Free Doughboy

by K Reeves
(Vine Grove, Kentucky)

Doughboy Deep End

Doughboy Deep End

Hi, we recently acquired a "free" Doughboy 16' x 32'. So far to save money HA HA HA; my husband hired someone to excavate. Well, we have the hole dug with optional deep end; sanded the bottom and installed the wall and top rails. Last night it rained hard and now the pool is filled with ground water (about 4' deep).

We can clearly see the breach on the left ground side of the pool. Any recommendations to fix and install some kind of drainage around that area? We are going to install a retaining wall on both sides. Salvageable or should we buy some dynamite and have a bon fire?!

Thanks for any help

Hi K

It looks like you have an excellent start on a nice pool. You need to get the water out of the pool and let it dry a little. You can then repair the damage done to the inside. Once the sand is smoothed out it will look a lot better to you.

These pages might be of help when you go to reinstalling your new liner. You do have a new liner, right? It is impossible to install a used liner into a pool with a deep end.

Expandable Liner Installation

Above Ground Pool Liner Installation

As for the water around the outside of the pool, I would backfill this area with dirt. If you bank the dirt up the wall a little it should cause the rain water to run off away from the pool. To protect the pool wall from rust you could coat it with roofing tar.

I have never seen a pool, set in the ground and not backfilled, that was not sitting in water every time it rained. This is bad for the pool and especially bad for the ground in and around the brace assemblies. The entire pool structure would be much better off with dirt packed in around it.

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