Intex Pool Inground

by Nicole

I'm planning on sinking my Intex Metal frame pool (15 x 4 ft) but not sure what is the safest way to go about doing it. Please help any suggestions are much appreciated.

Hi Nicole

I would suggest not packing any dirt up against it. I think a retaining wall of some sort would be best, something to keep the dirt away from the pool. There would be many ways to accomplish this.

We have a pretty good discussion about installing Intex pools inground on this page.

Sink An Intex Soft Sided Pool

Intex pools are becoming so popular, and the questions about sinking them are becoming frequent. We would love to hear more stories about what all of you come up with.

We have definitely determined that it can be done. We have also determined there are many ways to go about it.

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Nov 28, 2018
Bury an Intex Pool in Chicago?
by: Paul

Hi Everyone

I'm looking to bury a 48" Intex pool about 38" in the ground at a suburb of Chicago and had a couple of questions.

1.) Am I able to leave it up and filled all year? Or will the freezing and thawing destroy the liner?

2.) What do you do about a pump for a pool that is buried? Would having it level with the pool cause it not to work?

3.) Does anybody have an easy solution for a barrier wall separating the pool from the dirt? I know I could do treated wood, but that will be expensive and time-consuming.


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Intex Pool In Ground

by Jason

Intex Pool

Intex Pool

I have an Intex 24' round 52" tall expandable pool. Can I put it in the ground say about 3 feet? If so, how should I go about this? It doesn't have a metal frame, it is just a liner with an assembled metal rim and metal legs all around it.

I use the large pump and salt chlorinator filtration system. Our ground is pretty much red clay after about 6 to 8 inches down. What do you suggest? Your advice is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Jason Gross.

Hi Jason

You would not want to bury this pool in the ground and pack dirt back around it. This type of soft sided pool would not hold up well to the weight of the dirt. You would either need to not backfill, or possibly build a retaining wall to keep the dirt off the pool.

A retaining wall could be as simple as plywood or as elaborate as a block wall.

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Jan 21, 2016
Half buried Intex pool
by: Rick Mojick

I buried my Intex ultra frame pool 3 years ago and still standing now in good condition. It is 16Ft X 48 inches. It was buried 30" below the ground. I surrounded the pool with 1/2 inch thick Hardie Backerboard before I backfilled so dirt won't touch the pool. I then installed a deck surrounding half of the pool with a height of 18".

Try this and you won't be disappointed with the result.

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Intex Pool Center Drain

by William Coyne
(Liberty Twp, Ohio)

I have an Intex 18ft 48" round above ground swimming pool. Can I install in the center of the floor a main drain and attach it to the new Haywood filter/pump to keep this pool crystal clean.

Hi William

I am sure this could be done but I would not recommend it. There is just no reason for getting involved in something so complicated. It is much easier, and safer, to hook up a lady bug pool cleaner and get all the advantages of a center drain and then some. Read more about my views on center drains before deciding to go ahead with this.

Above Ground Pool Main Drain

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Sinking a K-D Pool

Can I put my 20ft round, 48" deep K-D pool and poles in the ground just to the 22 or 24" mark if I dig the hole 21' wide leaving a 6" gap then fill the pool with water and back fill with the "Doughboy’s slurry" or even could I use "great stuff" as a barrier between the liner and dirt?

Of course after back filling with either or finish back filling any reaming gaps if any with fill dirt.


I wish I could say for sure this would work because I get asked this question a lot. I don't see why pool could not be sunk a couple of feet, but I have never done it nor seen it done.

I have two concerns with sinking and backfilling this type of pool. The water pressure should hold the backfill in place, it does with steel wall pools. But these walls have more movement than a steel wall. That movement might cause the ground around the pool to constantly want to shift and cave in, causing the pool walls to get pushed in a little farther every time the pool is used.

The Slurry might be the answer to that problem because it would set up hard and not allow for any wall movement. I think the idea should work and would love to see the results.

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Dirt Backfill Against Intex Ultra Frame Pool

In order to get my ground level for our Intex ultra frame pool we had to dig out about 2 1/2 feet on one side down to about 1 foot on the other. After pool is set up and full of water is it ok to fill in space left on edges with dirt we dug out? It would be against the plastic of the liner?


There are a lot of folks who have done this with no problem. I have been answering questions for a lady who did just that and she left a photo of the pool. This post might be of interest to you. Rusting Connectors on Intex Pool. It is an Intex pool set in the ground, so yes, it can be done.

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