Steel Shade Structures

The Perfect Awning For Commercial Use

Steel shade structures are being used more and more in commercial applications.  They are easy to customize and make unique, giving each building it's own character.  Below are a few more example of steel being used for shade structures.  We have more steel structure examples on the Commercial Steel Awning page and the Steel Awnings page.

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Painted Steel Shade Structure
This is a different look given to a fairly common design.  The painted steel blends nicely with the building and the unique end caps make the design different than any other.


Painted Commercial Steel Window Awnings
Below is a side view of the awning showing the end caps.  They give the awning structural support in a unique way.


Side View of Steel Awning


Steel Shade Structure with Open Grate
The shade structures on this building are as different as an awning can be.  The grate material allows light to come through but does a very adequate job of blocking the direct sun and reflecting the rain.


Red Steel Commercial Window Awning


Top Supports For Flat Window Awnings
These steel awnings are supported by steel rods, a design that is becoming popular on newer buildings.


Side View of Flat Steel Window Awning
What makes this installation different than others is that they are flat, not angled.  This helps to make them different than similar styles.


top of Steel Shade Structures

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