18x33 Above Ground Oval Pool Base

Instructions call for sand base, however, we were wondering if we could use an "Insulation" Base?

We have had a lot of rain as well and dug out our pool area as we want to extend our existing deck. We filled in with a "crusher dust" and becomes like cement once it has been wet so the soil should not be a problem.

Absolutely any advice you could give us would be appreciated.


Gerry and Leslie Adam

Saskatchewan, Canada

Hi Gerry.

There are a lot of different pool bases you could use instead of sand. For an oval pool, sand is by far my favorite. It will cover all the pressure plates, smooth out real nice and pack enough to be virtually foot print free, if done correctly.

My biggest problem with Zonalite and similar insulation products is the footprints. Insulation does not pack the way sand does and it is next to impossible to install a liner over it without leaving footprints.

My other problem with Zonalite is when it comes time to do a liner replacement. When it is new liner time the sand is all well packed. It is then easy to re-smooth and it will stay smooth, much better the second time than the first. Zonalite is next to impossible to re-smooth. Once it is packed it stays that way. It is next to impossible to work with when changing liners.

There is a mixture of concrete, Zonalite and water that goes down wet and gets a trowel over it to make it smooth. This is used a lot with in ground vinyl pools and is a better option than just the insulation put down dry.

Comments for 18x33 Above Ground Oval Pool Base

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Aug 23, 2011
Loose Liner
by: Anonymous

Hi Again, Have recently noticed a spot in the pool (where there was a crease)on the bottom of the pool has become quite loose. Will this be a potential problem?


If it is not a hole in the liner you should be OK, check it closely.

May 26, 2012
Snow Melt/Rain Water
by: Gerry

Hi Again, Well it is finally spring in SK, Canada. We had quite a bit of snow melt and now lots of rain. We thought we would run an eave off the roof to collect rain water into the pool; however, have heard different comments that soft rain water is not a good idea in the pool as it reacts with chemicals. Can you provide any further info with respect to that.

Sincerely, Gerry Adam

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