by Steve
Bent Above Ground Pool Wall
We have a 24 foot round outback pool. We just bought the home and the pool water was horrible due to no maintenance for 600 days. So after 9 days and several hundred dollars in chemicals, etc, my wife and I decided to drain the pool.
We got the pool drained completely. The pool is above ground, but on the one end is about a foot and a half into the ground (to level it) and there is a deck on that end. When we started to fill it, we noticed 3 panels under the deck pushed in due to mud sliding into it. Two of the panels I dug all the mud back and they are still in the track and look ok. One panel was pushed in off the track. We tried very hard to get it back in the track but cannot.
Right now it is partially on the inside of the track and partially on the outside of the track, just on this one panel, and it is crinkled if you know what I mean.
I called one pool place and they said I need to dismantle the deck and dig back 2 feet from all 3 panels so they can re-level the posts and track and straighten the one panel. They charged me $75 for the consult and will be back when I get the hard labor done.
Another guy I called, said that with a foot and a half of earth on the outside, just get the panel on the inside of the track, back fill and fill the pool and the water will push the panel against the track and the earth will hold it. So don't worry about it not being in the track.
My question is, what should I do? What if the part of the panel that is outside the track won't stay on the inside of the track? Is this safe to do? What do you recommend?
Thank you.
Hi Steve
Your biggest concern right now is your liner shrinking and not allowing you to refill the pool. The wall out of the track really is not a concern at all. As the pool fills you should be putting dirt back in around the pool and that will hold the wall in place just fine. It should not make any difference whether the wall is inside the track or outside. As the pool begins to fill you should push your foot to the edge of the pool in that area and make sure the cove has not been disturbed. It can probably be packed back into place with your foot, through the liner, but is should be checked.
Vinyl liners shrink whenever they are drained so the liner is going to have to stretch back into place in order for the pool to fill without pulling the walls down or pulling out of the coping holding it in place. To have the best chance of this pool filling up without a problem you should start the hose running during the hottest part of the day, hopefully when the whole pool is in direct sunlight.
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