Above Ground Pool Deck

Add To The Pool Fun

Here are a few good ways to get an above ground pool deck, in a box, delivered to your home.

You can see some of our wood pool decks here.  There are many pros and cons for building a wood pool deck, or ordering a resin deck online.

Nothing beats the look of a new wood pool deck, but they are expensive, and need yearly maintenance.  Resin kits are less expensive to start with and do not need any maintenance at all.

Resin above ground pool decks can be everything your pool needs to keep the kids happy and your pocket book fairly sound.

On this page you will see some prefab deck kits for above ground pools that are easy to self install.  If installation is required, a pool installer may be able to help you out, or just about any handyman, if he is handy at all, could assemble it for you.

resin deck for above ground pool
This deck is available in two sizes.  You can order it in a 5' x 5' or a 5' x 13.5'.  These deck kits fit pools from 48 inches to 56 inches in height and from 18 foot to a 33 foot round, or the end of an oval pool with similar measurements. The deck fits above the top rail to eliminate large gaps, leaving just enough space for your winter cover. The cost of the 5 x 5 is less than twelve hundred dollars, or it can be paid for in four payments of less than three hundred each.  You pay for this kind of deck one time, not every year when you have to strip and re-stain your wood pool deck.


Resin Pool Deck

Vinyl Works Above Ground Swimming Pool Resin Deck Kit - Taupe 5 x 5 Feet  (#ad)


During covid times prefab above ground pool decks are a little hard to find. I will update this page as more become available.


AGP Pool Help - Everything on this site about Above Ground Pools


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