Aluminum Awning Panel Prices

Suggested Retail Prices

These are suggested retail prices for aluminum awning panels.  The 6" flat pans are popular for mobile home awnings where a screen room is planned to go under the awning.

The w-pans have a longer span range and are less expensive.  The 2 1/4" panels are great for patio covers.  They are used a lot on mobile homes in the 8'-12' lengths.

awning w-pan
The 3 1/2" w-panels can span 20' or more and are very popular on park models.  We also use them on most of our freestanding awnings.  They are a very strong and durable awning panel.

The 3" panels are not as popular as they once were.  They still have a purpose on occasion so they keep them around.


1 3/4" x 6" Flat Pan Neutral Stardust 159 .018 1.680 FT
  Neutral Stardust 169 .024 2.174 FT
  Neutral Stardust 179 .032 2.994 FT
(Neutral Will Be Run With Stars Up)          
  Neutral Stardust 109 .018 2.364 FT
**-2 1/4" x 12" W Pan Neutral / White 106 .018 2.060 FT
  Neutral / White 116 .024 2.652 FT
  Neutral / White 126 .032 3.283 FT
  Neutral / White 133 .018 2.668 FT
3" x 12" W Pan Neutral / White 135 .024 3.466 FT
  Neutral / White 137 .030 4.332 FT
  Neutral / White 139 .038 5.381 FT
  Neutral Stardust 183 .018 2.364 FT
3 1/2" x 12" W Pan Neutral / White 182 .018 2.060 FT
  Neutral / White 184 .024 2.652 FT
(Recommend Use 3/8" Screws For Locks) Neutral / White 186 .032 3.283 FT
  Neutral / White 188 .036 3.762 FT
Pans Are Run 1 1/2" Short Of Ordered Size Unless Ordered Exact      
Pans Ordered Shorter Than 4'-Add .10 Per Foot      
**-Stocked In .018 Neutral-8', 10', 12'      


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