Canopy Accessories

Getting The Most From Your Canopy

On this page we will attempt to help you find some canopy accessories from around the web, so you can get the most use out of your canopy.

Shade Canopy Enclosure Kit
Side panels are a useful canopy accessory.  These are Caravan's PolyTaf sidewalls.  They are fire and water retardant and fully comply with all safety standards.  The fabric is 100 percent polyester.  The Velcro fasteners are also included.


Replacement Canopy Top
Replacement tops are always available.  There is no need to replace the entire canopy just because the top is ruined.  If your framework is good spend a few minutes matching up the correct size and order a top only.


Canopy Leg Weight
You can secure your Quik Shade canopy against light winds with the Quik Shade weight plates.  These are a super handy canopy accessory to have on hand.


Canopy Anchor Kit
Another way to hold your canopy in place is with this anchor kit.  This would be for for the more permanent setups.  The leg weights are better for the on the go weekend use.


Find all these plus a hanging light, cup holders, bungee fasteners, repair tape and much more at Amazon using the search term canopy accessories.  (#ad)


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