Insulated Panels
Perfect For Arizona Rooms
Insulated panels are widely used in the RV and mobile home
industry. These panels fit nicely into a variety of applications.
Our main business is providing shade for park models and mobile homes, so we
generally use insulated roof panels over Arizona rooms. Our most popular
awning panel is the 3 1/2" w-pan. We use the 3 1/2" insulated panels
because they integrate well into our existing awning framework. These
panels are also available in 3", 4" and 6".
These insulated Laminated Roof Panels begin with a baked enamel finish on
aluminum skins. The aluminum skins are permanently pressure bonded to a
core of Expanded Polystyrene Foam (EPS). EPS is a high-performance
insulation well know for increasing the energy efficiency of your home.
Enjoy these benefits with our laminated roof panels.
- Maintenance free
- Fits any structure with panel sizes from 3" to 6"
- Insert a flush mount full length skylight
- Optional fan beams available
- Great insulation values from R 12.9 to R 25.8
- ICBO approved for patio rooms and sun rooms
- They eliminate condensation buildup
- Insulates against heat and cold
- 20 year warranty covers paint finish and delamination
- Installer friendly snap lock
Here are some of the approvals and certifications for the insulated laminated
roof panels from Metals USA.
Building Code Compliance
- 1997 Uniform Building Code
- 2003 International Building Code
- 2003 International Residential Code
- 2004 Florida Building Code
Specific Code Approvals
Uniform Building Code Legacy Reports
- PFC 1841p Freestanding Awnings and Attached Patio Covers
- PFC 3259 NWP-I Sandwich Panels
- ER 5014p Patio Covers and Enclosures
Florida Building Code Product Approvals
- Approvals 57a00.1, 5700.2, 5700.3, 5766.2 and 5766.3
California Factory Built Housing Plan Recognition
Performance and Quality Assurance
- ASTM B209-04 Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Sheet
and Plate
- ASTM E84-05e 1 Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of
Building Materials
- Flame Spread Index = 10
- Smoke Development Index = 175
- Qualified "Flame Spread A"
USBC26-3 UL 1715 15 minute corner burn test -
ASTM C578-06 STandard Specification for
Rigid, Cellular Polsyrene Thermal Insulation
UL File #R-12010 Approval for EPS Type II
(1.5 density) Plastics
UL File #MH15692 Approval for "Composite Roof
Panel With Hidden Electrical Raceway"
ICC-ES Quality Control Standards
Click Insulated
Roof Panels to see this product in use. Use my
contact form for current
prices and ordering.
CR Shades - Dennis Gourley - Sales - 480-935-2848
top of Insulated Panels
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