Mobile Home Roof Systems

Mobile Home Roof System

Take an aluminum roof roll and attach it over 1 1/2" of foam insulation and what do you get?  You get increased all weather protection while reducing energy costs.

Click Mobile Home Parts & Supplies for all of your mobile home roof repair needs.

Here are a few more benefits of an insulated roof system. 


  • The baked on enamel finish reflects the sun's rays, resists cracking, peeling and fading
  • The rigid foam insulation helps save energy and reduce utility costs
  • Reduces roof rumble and rain drumming
  • Retards condensation
  • Custom-fitted factory-seamed aluminum roof is installed over existing roof, eliminating leaks.
  • Low maintenance aluminum eliminates frequent recoating, sealing and painting
  • 10 year limited warranty on aluminum roof

A re-roofing system is a custom-fit roof replacement which is added over your existing roof.  It provides low maintenance protection against leaks and adds insulation to help energy costs.

old moblile home roof


This typical old mobile home roof can be easily transformed into a modern looking thing of beauty with the help of a baked enamel roof roll and a professional installation.  We also use this roof system over aluminum awnings that are covering Arizona and screen rooms.  We can also re-roof Park Models that have old shingle roofs.  We go over top of the shingles with added insulation and a maintenance free roof roll.  An ideal application for this product is to re-roof a Park Model or Mobile Home and extend the roof system over any of the awnings that cover rooms or sheds.

moblile home roof system


A roof system like this will run you about $7.50 a square foot.  For a free estimate click here and fill out a simple form or give me a call.

CR Shades - Dennis Gourley - Sales - 480-935-2848

The components for the type of roof system are generally as follows.

  • 1 1/2" foam insulation
  • 2 x 2 lumber
  • Drip rail
  • 2 1/4" plumbing vent cap
  • 3/4" tape caulking
  • Vulkem calulking
  • Plas-T-Cote
  • Flashing and coil stock
  • assorted screws

You will find many of these products listed in our components pages.  They can be shipped to you so that you can install your own mobile home roof system.


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