Above Ground Oval Deep End-Conversion

by Steve
(Ontario canada)

Hi there, I have purchased a used 16x26 above ground pool. I have installed it except for liner. My question is do I have to use the steel straps across bottom. They are a little rusty, and now I am thinking of removing them prior to installing liner in order for me to make it slightly deeper in center. How crucial are these straps.

Hi Steve It can be done but you can't just remove the straps, they are very important.

Most Doughboy brand oval pools are designed for deep ends. It's a simple matter of bolting an L bracket to the underside of each channel. I've included a photo of one of them being set into place against a block. You would use either a solid 8" x 8" x 16" block, or a block like in the photo is fine with some concrete in and around it. My page Oval Pool Deep Ends has a lot more information about digging the oval pool deep end.

Any rusted straps not in the deep area, that you plan to use, can be replaced with some Simpson Strong Tie found at Home Depot or Amazon.
Be sure to leave the pressure plates in place, they are also very important, as is the small ledge between the plate and the start of the hole.

side brace on a Doughboy pool

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