Above Ground Pool Base

Questions About What to use Under the Liner

This is the part of Ask The Pool Pro where you can ask questions or post comments about what to use under an above ground pool liner.

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Above Ground Pool Ready For Sand
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Your Questions and Comments are all Welcome

Your questions and comments about the base for your above ground pool are welcome here.

What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Coleman Pool Installation Problems 
I recently purchased my first pool, a Coleman Sierra Vista 2 18' x 48" porthole window pool. I've spent all summer prepping this foundation by myself. …

Sand Base is a Perfect Solution 
Our manufacturer said to put a small-grain, sifted sand base and trowel it very smooth. Lay in the liner and fill the pool. THEN, use pool BUT don't put …

Armor Sheild Liner Pad 
Our installer says we will have wrinkles and footprints if we use the liner pad. We're paying a lot money for a professional A/G pool installer company …

Moving Pool pump  
I have moved my 1.5 hp Hayward pool pump approx 12 foot from skimmer on my 21' above ground pool. Would it be better to attach hard pvc piping to deck …

Elevated Pool Pad 
We are considering purchasing a 24 foot diameter above ground pool. Our back yard is fairly level with a slight grade. We live near a river and the water …

Brick Pavers for Round Above Ground Pool  
Hello! We were given my parents 27 ft round above ground pool, we have purchased a new liner (going from j-bead to an overlap). Last year we attempted …

Above Ground Pool Base Options 
I have a 14 x 42 Intex metal frame. I had to do quite a bit of digging to get the ground leveled. I didn't want to use sand because I'm just not sure how …

Using Crusher Dust Pool Base 
Hello, I've been reading and your site is quite good. I can't find any question that is exactly like my situation so... I am installing an 18' round …

Sand over Concrete 
We have a 15 foot above ground pool that I will be putting up. The challenge here is that I have some concrete patio that is partial going out into the …

Sand Settling Under Pool 
We had a New 15 x 30 AGP installed spring 2013 and also noticed shortly after outlines of the base plates showing through the liner (like Title: Soft Sand …

To Elevate or Level or Do Both 
Hi Dennis. Absolutely love your web site. I've spent many hours reading lots that you have to say with questions and answers. We live in Mississauga Ontario …

Belize Pool on Concrete Slab 
We had a 18' diameter slab poured for a pool pad and had a soft sided pool on it last year. This year we purchased a 15' diameter Belize metal walled pool. …

How Much Foam 
We are installing a 30ft round pool with a j hook liner. We have very rocky dirt so we are planning on using some limestone sand to level it out a bit …

Linoleum Squares Under Metal Frame Intex Pool 
We are getting ready to install a 15' Intex metal frame pool and want something a little thicker than the tarp that is provided to put between the pool …

Base Prep On Hard Clay Soil 
Hi, I'm building a 15' x 36" round pool on very hard clay. My yard is 2-3 inches out of level, I've read that this is too much. I plan on renting a sod …

Road Base Gravel For Pool Base 
Want to know if you can use road base gravel to level the ground underneath your above ground pool? Instead of using sand that shifts and moves or even …

Above Ground Pools And Moles 
I have a 33' round by 52" high pool that is 5 years old this year. After the first winter we uncovered it to find trenches all around the outer edge of …

What To Use To Level The Pool 
Hello, I have to make some good base on one side of the pool before I put the sand down. Here is what I have available at my local landscaping supply company: …

Foam Insulation Board For Base 
Hi,I am doing my first agp install. My yard had a huge slope, so I cut from the low side across and built a 4 ft retaining wall to hold the dirt back. …

Intex Pool Base Questions 
Hi, I'm putting in an 18x52 Intex pool. I need to build up by almost 20 inches. From this fantastic site I've learned that crusher dust will do just …

Tape For Foam Board Base 
I'll be replacing my 24' above ground pool liner and after reading all about the smooth and flat bottom that foam boards offer, I'm going to install foam …

Drain My Above Ground Pool Completely 
I have an 18ft x 5ft framed pool with an overlap liner that I want to replace. The liner is only a season old but leaked to about two feet deep over winter. …

Working With Wet Ground 
I have been trying to get my pool installed for about two months now. The installer keeps telling me that the ground is too wet. There is a spot covering …

Sinking Poles On My Intex Metal Frame Pool 
How do I fix the sinking poles on my 15' x 4' Intex metal frame pool. The dirt/sand has washed out on one side, due to recent excessive rain. The sinking …

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Pool Cove Questions 
I'm replacing a liner on a 15x30 AGP. I'm using foam coves that clip into the bottom rail. I installed the coves in the afternoon sun on a 90 degree day. …

Preformed Pool Cove Questions 
Great site. I'm replacing an overlap liner in a 15x30 above ground pool. I'm using Gladon pool cove with track clip, Gladon wall foam, Gladon foam adhesive …

Footprints in Styrofoam Base 
Hi. After reading many entries in this great website regarding AGP bases I decided to go with Styrofoam. I used compacted rock dust for the foundation …

Oval Pools And Concrete Base 
We are planning on installing an oval above ground pool on a concrete patio and then adding a deck around the top of the pool, to make it look inground. …

Sand or Styrofoam 
This is a great site. I am impressed. I have just purchased an 18' x 40' AGP with the Gorilla pad and cove. In my last pool, I used sand as the base …

Leveling the Ground for an AGP 
I am in the process of leveling the ground for a 24' round agp. My ground is not too bad, only about 5" off on the high side. The problem is it is very …

Best Sand for Expandable Liner 
To verify, is masonry sand the best choice for a base under an expandable liner (or is concrete sand better)? Also, is sand also placed along the angled …

Pool is Filled - Not level 
Our pool is sitting on a concrete slab, then a thin liner, sand, and finally the pool. We checked to see if the concrete was level with a laser level …

Crushed Limestone For Above Ground Pool 
My installer says he needs 9 tons of crushed limestone, I'm installing a 24 round pool. Doesn't that seem like ALOT? Hi Victoria. That would depend …

Setting Intex Pool On Block Patio 
We are going to get an Intex metal frame pool and are planning to put it on an existing patio, made of brick blocks. Is this suitable? Do I need more …

Changing Size of an Above Ground Pool 
I had a 24 ft round pool given to me but it is too big for our yard. Can I cut it down to an 18 ft or 15 ft, or even a 12 ft? I was thinking of getting …

Growth Near Pool 
We are putting in an above ground pool and were wondering how close to trees can we place the pool? Hi Lisa. Trees can cause problems with above ground …

Best Steel Wall Pool Base 
My wife and I were going to buy an above ground 24' x 52" steel wall pool and I am unsure what the base of the pool should be? The company that is going …

Pool Size 
We have a 28 ft. above ground pool, what is the measurement of the bottom wall rail? Hi. The measurement across a 28' above ground pool should be pretty …

New Liner Over Old Liner 
A fella I work with advised that when his pool liner went bad he cut the 'beaded' part off the top of the liner and taped the old liner to the pool wall. …

Intex Pool On Sloped Concrete 
We have a large existing concrete pad that we'd like to put an above ground pool on. The concrete is strong and very flat. It is roughly 28'8" by 24'4". …

Gorilla Pads 
We are looking to put in a pool with a 7' deep end. The pool is 15' x 30'. We want to have a sand bottom but also use gorilla pad over the sand for added …

Pool Cove Problems 
I installed a 24' x 52" above ground pool last week and as I was swimming in it I noticed I have a hole in my cove! It's about 10" long x 4" wide. I know …

Proper Base For Above Ground Pool 
After the ground is level, then sand on top and packed with a plate compactor. My question is would foam board go next and that is all or after foam board …

Patio Blocks Under Above Ground Pool 
I am installing a 24 ft pool in an area that used to have a 30 ft both round, I am planning on putting patio blocks under the entire bottom rail to get …

Stone Dust Versus Sand 
We've just purchased a 24' diameter above ground pool and the instructions say to use compacted stone dust for the base. Can sand be used instead? Marty …

Above Ground Pool Liner - Base Questions 
I have a 24' round AGP and I have a new liner that I need to put in. I put a new liner in a couple years ago and didn't have a clue apparently what I …

Gaps In A Foam Pool Base 
I have had a 1" foam pool bottom since my last liner install. I love the bottom except the foam pieces have separated in some places up to a 1/2". I used …

What Kind of Sand for an Above Ground Pool 
Hello and thanks in advance for the help. We are digging out and installing an expandable liner this year in our 24' round. We are just about ready for …

Questions About The Pool Base 
I'm about to set up a 24' round above ground pool. I read on your site about someone putting a 15' on Styrofoam, sticking out at least 6". Can that be …

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Changing Pool Size 
A friend gave us an above ground 33' x 52" round pool. There are some parts missing, like 2 bottom bases. Can we turn this size pool into a 27' x 52" …

Underneath The Pool 
Last year I put up a starter pool (15 ft round), metal tube frame. For various reasons, we went thru a summer of set-up, fill, drain, take-down, set-up, …

Above Ground Pool On Styrofoam  
Can a 15' round pool (including the metal sides) be set up on top of a level styrofoam base, or does the styrofoam have to just be on the inside of the …

Replacing Pool Deck Carpet 
I have an Esther Williams above ground pool such as the one in the picture. We were wondering if there are instructions anywhere on replacing the carpet. …

Installing Pool On Rocky Ground 
We live in the Flint Hills of KS where our ground is very rocky. We've cleared a place for our Doughboy 16' x 32' pool, and it is smooth and ready, but …

Installing a Pool on Wet Ground 
We bought our pool in March and it has been raining every since. My husband only has limited time off work and we need to get this pool done while he's …

Cost Of Leveling Ground For Above Ground Pool 
What would be a good price to charge someone to level a 15 by 30 area in order to place an above the ground pool? Hi Marco. Back when I was installing …

Keeping Pool Warm 
We have an Ipool (exercise pool) in our sunroom, so it's out of the elements but does get sunshine. It's a heated pool, but we've discovered the heater …

Gladon Hard Bottom vs. GLI Armor Shield 
I'm replacing my 30' round pool liner and am in a quandary as to what protective liner to use. There are some good sized roots and rocks that have occurred …

Trimline Space Saver On Blocks 
I have purchased a new oval Trimline 10' x 15' Lomart pool. I have limited space available and the space I do have is somewhat flat. There will be a …

Installing Pool Over Rocks 
Do you think I will be ok? I am putting up a 24' x 16' x 52" above ground pool. I have put carpet padding, carpet 2 layers and ground cover, I forgot …

Pool Base Using Cove And Pad 
I'm installing a 12' round above ground pool. I'm confused about the 1/4" foam pad the dealer gave me with the pool. He said after putting the coving …

Footprints Under Liner Problem 
We currently have a sand base and it has a million footprints and is impossible to get clean w/ all the grooves. So, we are redoing the pool. The first …

Installation On Concrete 
Can I have a pool installed on concrete? If so, what Type of pool? An Intex or regular steel wall pool? Also, if I can install on concrete how can I …

Carpet Under Pool Liner 
Hi! This site is fantastic! We bought a used 24' round Doughboy and we plan on installing it soon. We live in Arizona, south of Phoenix, where the dirt …

Expandable Pool Liner Base 
Can you use a Gorilla pad with an expandable liner? Hi Brandon. It can be done but I would not do it. It is so hard to keep the Gorilla pad from getting …

Limestone And Granite For Pool Base 
Can I use decomposed granite? Is it as good a low spot filler as crushed granite? Also, after I machine plate tamp my pool site and then it rains a few …

What Kind Of Pool Sand 
I have been online for hours searching for a place to buy sand. I live in S. Florida and cannot seem to find anywhere to buy it. I purchased a Splasher …

Rusted and Cracked Sidewall 
How can I patch a crack with rust on the side of my pool without emptying it? The crack is at the bottom and about 5 inches long. Not gaping open YET! …

Esther Williams Variable Depth 
I've recently picked up a round 48" deep x 27 ft wide Esther Williams pool on Craigslist and am going to be installing it partially in-ground (against …

Liner Used For Water Catchment 
Please consider answering this question as best you can. I'm planning on buying a pool liner and using it for water catchment cistern in Hawaii. …

Trench Around Above Ground Pool 
I have just had a 15'x30' OVAL AGP installed. When they finished it left a 6" deep by 12" wide trench around it. I am told by the installer that I cannot …

Soft Sand Under Pool 
My pool has only been installed for 5 weeks. The installers used sand under my pool but the bottom has never really seemed hard throughout the pool. …

Rebuilding Older Above Ground Pool 
First off, great insight on this site, I was unaware of the invaluable knowledge on rebuilding my pool that I have read about here. I am currently rebuilding …

24 ft Round Pool Install 
I have searched YouTube and Google for information about installing above ground pools and I am getting mixed information about the proper way to install. …

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Installing Pool on Patio Pavers 
We are installing a 16' x 48" above ground pool. Most of the area is concrete pavers (level) but about 100 sq ft is of grass was removed to complete the …

Cutting New Skimmer Opening in Pool Wall 
I recently installed a used 24 foot pool that was given to me. Upon closer inspection the pool wall where the skimmer goes is badly rusted. I can not …

Working With A Sand Base 
I am putting up a 27 ft above ground pool. What are some of the ways I can pack the sand, not really wanting to have to rent tools for this? Is there …

Leveling Ground and Ledge for Above Ground Pool 
We have purchased a 16x32 above ground pool. Where we are going to put the pool is slightly un-level, the highest part is about, maybe a foot higher than …

Intex Pool Base 
I am installing a 24' x 52" Metal Frame Intex Pool. Their manual says not to use sand as a base because of potential shifting. I have tilled the site …

Installing the Pool Sidewall 
We are "trying" to put up an oval above ground pool. We know we are supposed to put the wall into the track--BUT--the wall weighs a ton! How are we supposed …

Styrofoam Base with Sand Cove 
I'm considering using the 1" white Styrofoam sheets as the pool base. My plan is to line the corner with plastic and then build a sand cove. Are there …

Unlevel Oval Pool Base 
First of all I love your site, great blend of your advice and comments from all. I just installed an Aruba 15x30 above ground pool. (made by Atlantic). …

Installing a Used 18 x 33 Above Ground Pool 
Hi, I have a used pool I got for $200 plus the labor removing it. It is an all aluminum Esther Williams 18 x 33 x 52" with a new in box liner. I have …

Above Ground Pool Sinking 
My above ground swimming pool seems to be sinking further into the ground, only on one side of the pool. We did all the leveling of the ground like we …

Pool Base for an Expandable Liner 
I'm installing an 18x33 with a deep end. Which is better, sand or foam? I'm just worried about having to get in the pool when filling to get out wrinkles …

Moles Under Pool 
I am currently replacing the liner in my pool and have read numerous comments that have been posted about the best pool base i.e. sand and styrofoam. …

Raising Pool Base 
We just purchased an 18' x 52" AG pool, metal frame. Our backyard is not level and slopes about 3-4 inches across where the pool would sit. I'm not sure …

Pool Uprights 
Hi there: I figure you probably answered this question a lot but here I go. In my pool instructions it says to use packed stone dust for pool posts. Is …

Building Level Ground for AGP 
Due to the ledge and slope in my back yard, we had to build up a 2 ft rise on the low side - even after we dug down to the ledge on the high side. The …

AGP Bottom Rail Question 
Hello, we purchased a 24' round with fan deck and walk around fenced in above ground pool about 7 years ago. This winter it had a liner failure which caused …

Start-up Chemicals for New Pool 
When initially filling your pool what chemicals need to be added? Hi Crystal. This is what is recommended in my area for starting an above ground pool. …

Foam Base Questions 
I am putting up an 18' round pool and have leveled the ground. I started putting some sand in the middle of the leveled ground, but was also planning …

Oval Above Ground Pool Brace Problem 
I had an 18' X 40' oval installed late last summer. About a week or 2 after being filled and ready to go, we noticed along the sides where the supports …

Gorilla Pad with Styrofoam and Sand 
I love your wealth of information here. I just sent you the donation, but couldn't wait for the "VIP address", so I am writing now. I am putting up an …

Plastic Under The Sand 
I'm having a pool installer come to put up a new 18x33 above ground pool. It is replacing an 18x24 that was removed. Sand roots are now in the area . …

Making The Pool Level 
What if the patio blocks are not all of them in the ground and there is a gap between the ground and bottom ring? Please answer back. Hi Tracy. Using …

AGP Pool Base Help 
We bought a 24ft above ground pool and I was planning on using sand. However, when I opened the instructions it specifically says that if I use sand for …

Solid Base for Wall Support 
I have read some very helpful information on your site and I figured you could help me make the right decision for a 27' install I will be doing in about …

Styrofoam Pad Over Pool Sand 
Is it ok to install a Styrofoam pad over the crusher dust? I will also be using Styrofoam coving. Should I spread crusher dust over the coping? What are …

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How To Make Pool Deeper In The Center 
I have watched a youtube video from a company on how to properly install an above ground pool. They showed one option which I will use to level the ground, …

Divots Under Pool Liner 
We bought a 15x30 above ground pool the end of May. We used it up until the middle of August without any problems. Then on August 9th we had a pool party …

Pool Crete Base 
I have a pool kit and have thought about using pool crete for the base, but I do not know how to do this. Should I raise the base plate and concrete blocks …

How Much Sand Base 
I have a 12' round pool that is 29" in depth. How much sand would or should I use for a good base? I am considering buying 50lbs bags since I don't have …

Unusual Ground Conditions 
My husband and I just purchased a used 24'x48" above ground pool. We live in South Texas where it is very sandy and hilly. We are having trouble keeping …

No Sand Under Pool 
Is there anything besides sand I can put on the bottom of the pool? Styrofoam is too expensive and I can't get masonry sand. I have sand but it is fill …

Using Patio Blocks 
I have a new 15' round pool to install and I would like to put it on a new patio made of 8" x 16" concrete blocks. The patio is flat and level. The base …

Above Ground Pool Foam Base 
We are looking to set up an above ground pool and are interested in using the foam board to pad the bottom of the liner. All we have available to us here …

Sinkhole In Pool Cove 
I recently had a new pool installed. After I completely filled the pool I noticed a foot sized sink hole near the edge of the pool close to one of the …

Concrete Expansion Joints Under Pool 
I am confused about the sand issue. Last year I used the Gorrilla pad and the pool tarp underneath. After a few swims I noticed where my cement underneath …

Wet Sand and Used Liner 
Hi-Thanks for your great web site!! We are installing an 18' above ground pool.(Aqua Leader). The manual says to use a compacted crush and run type base …

How Much Sand for Above Ground Pool 
I have a 24' x 4' above ground swimming pool and I was wondering how much sand I will need for it. Thank you, Eve Hi Eve. A 24' above ground pool …

Rocky Soil for Pool 
I am installing a 30' above ground pool. I have very rocky soil and I am concerned that a rock will puncture my liner. I was thinking about putting a …

Metal Frame Pool Base 
Can I put my metal framed pool on a cement pad instead of putting sand under it? Hi A concrete pad makes an excellent base for any kind of an above …

Base Prep For Pool 
I'm installing a 24' above ground pool. The existing soil is sandy and I have dug down to virgin soil. Do I need to replace the sand around the bottom …

Level Sand for Intex Pool 
How do you level the sand because our yard is not level? Thanks Hi. Sand should only be used as an even cushion over level dirt. The pool area should …

Sand Base for an Above Ground Pool  
I need advice. In the past, I have had Intex above ground pools, the type you put sand under. This year, my husband's boss gave us an 18' metal above …

Sand for an Above Ground Pool 
Approximately how much sand, in yards or tons, will I need for a 24' round pool? Is it a smart move to put down a weed stop cover underneath the sand …

Installing Foam Board as a Pool Bottom 
I've seen your pages about using foam board as a pool bottom and love the idea. I ordered an armor shield liner which claimed to be thicker that other …

Base for Under an Above Ground Pool 
My husband and I are getting ready to put up an 18' x 48" used above ground pool. I remember reading in one of your posts that you said sheet insulation …

Styrofoam for Above Ground Pool 
I have been hearing that using foam pad instead of sand makes for an easier liner installation - to get a smoother bottom. I have also read people asking …

The Best Above Ground Pool Base 
I bought a new above ground pool and don't know what way I should go with the install. I'm getting a lot of different answers and warm weather is coming. …

Pool Sand Questions 
Intex Pool Base I have one of those Intex pools. Can I put that on patio paver stone with out sand? Hi Mac. I don't see a problem with that. Make …

Sand for Pool 
I am wanting to know how much sand I need to put under my pool, it is 24 feet round x 42 inches deep. Hi Laura. A 24' round pool should have about …

Base For Pool Liner 
I am installing a used above ground pool. I have already come to the conclusion that the liner needs to be replaced. I was planning on using indoor/outdoor …

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Foam Pool Base 
I am going to be installing a 30' AG pool. I see that someone used foam sheeting instead of sand. What kind of sheeting is this? I have ordered the pool …

Pool Floor Pads 
We are about to purchase a 27' Mighty Sun brand above ground pool, after looking through pages and pages of pool information (and finding your site- thank …

Sand and Patio Blocks 
Every where on the internet about prepping for above ground pools, I read that I should use masonry sand. Many sites even say I should use patio blocks …

Base For Above Ground Pool 
I want to put a pad in the bottom of our pool this time to fight the super grass that keeps coming through our liner. Which one is better, happy bottom …

Level Ground For Pool 
What's the best way to level the ground for a large above ground pool? (32' x 16') My yard is mostly sand. Who can I call to level it if I don't want …

Gorilla Pad, Happy Bottom and Foam 
I'm going to install a Tahitian 18' x 33' this summer. I've used sand on the last one and had a bumpy floor. This time I'm going to use foam board for …

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