Above Ground Pool Bottom Track

by Trina

I inherited an above the ground pool, 15x30 oval, not sure what brand. When we took down the pool, the bottom track was rotten and we can not use it.

Do you have any way of helping me figure out how to go about finding a track that will work? PLEASE HELP!

Hi Trina.

On this page is a link to a parts store that sells bottom rails for Asahi above ground pools.

Asahi Above Ground Pools

If I could see a picture of the pool I could probably tell you what kind it was. You just might be lucky and have an Asahi pool and these pool bottom rails will be just perfect for you. It is also possible they could be adapted to fit your pool, if it is not an Asahi.

This page has more information about finding parts for above ground pools.

Above Ground Pool Parts

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Apr 03, 2010
15x30 above ground pool
by: Cody

A buddy just gave me a 15x30 above ground SEARS swimming pool. When i was taking it apart i noticed that the bottom track was to rusted to reuse. I have looked everywhere on the internet to find a replacement for this part. Do you have an idea as to where i can find a bottom track for the pool? Please help


This is the only source I know of for Muskin Pool Parts, at patiostore.com.

Jun 15, 2010
15x30 swimming pool
by: Anonymous

I have the same issue. I've purchased a 15x30 and the track is rusted. I can't locate a new track. My question is: will most 15x30 tracks work with the pool wall that I have. It came from Sears, but I do not have a model # or serial # to order a new track. HELP


Have you tried patiostore.com?

Most 15 x 30 tracks would work but they may have to be modified to fit the foot plates. The most important thing is the arc, it should be the same. The length may be different but they can always be cut or spliced.

Dec 16, 2010
pool track
by: Anonymous

I am looking for a pool track (the bottom piece) for a 27 ft round above ground pool.

Jun 06, 2011
Flair LX Pool by Vogue
by: Anonymous

Hello, I need to replace the bottom tracking for a 24 ft round above ground pool. Does this tracking need to be specific to the brand name (Vogue) or will any 24 foot round tracking work?


If you cannot locate the exact one you need you might be able to adapt one that is similar. Make sure it is the same width and at least as long as the ones you have.

Jun 18, 2012
Bottom Track
by: Tine

My pool is a 24 foot round....Leisure Bay. No one carries this, any help? We need a new track to put it back up.

Jul 23, 2012
Bottom Track
by: Anonymous

I've had the same problem and after searching countless web sites wanting upwards of $50 a piece for track (my pool needs 16 pieces) i finally called a dealer and was told to go to mypoolwarranty.com. They were ALOT cheaper as in only $5 a track piece.

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