Above Ground Pool Fencing

(Chicago, IL )

We will be installing a used 27ft aqua leader pool. We are required to have an above ground pool fence by city ordinance. We really like the look of the wooden fence.

I should also mention we are building a deck to be attached to the pool. However, due to already having a variance to place the pool within 2 feet of the underground power lines, we cannot, and will not, take the chance of digging post holes around the pool for the wooden pool surround.

Have you or do you know of anyone who has pre-constructed wooden sections and bolted them into the uprights similar to those plastic/resin above ground pool fences? Or would you advice this as not a good idea?


I don't have any reason to believe it is not possible. We use 2 x 2 lumber on a lot of our decks for fencing. It seems to me it could easily be adapted to fit the uprights on an above ground pool. You could either attach a manufactured bracket to the pool, or miter the end of the 2 x 2 and attach it directly.

This page shows 2 x 2 lumber being used on a deck.

Wood Deck For Above Ground Pool

Here is a page about resin above ground pool fencing.

Pool Safety Fence

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Above Ground Pool Fence

by Dave
(Omaha, NE)

I want to put fencing around the top of my above ground pool. The fences I have researched are square and designed to attach to a square upright. My pool has round uprights. Are there any kits designed for round uprights or any suggestions on how to make the square brackets work on a round upright.Hi Dave.

This page

Pool Safety Fence

has a link to the store where these can be purchased. In that store is a pdf installation page. After taking a close look at that page I see no reason why these would not work fine with round uprights.

You might have a look and see if these are what you are looking for.

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Jun 10, 2014
Black gates
by: Pamela Cairns

I found some black gates/fencing at Lowes. They come 2 to a pack and they slide together as well as slide onto an anchor into the ground. I got them to keep the ducks out of my pool. It works pretty well and keeps my grand kids out as well. They also look pretty and are relatively inexpensive.

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Privacy Fence Cap

by Dawn

We are in the final phase of installing this 30'x15' agp that was given to us. The only thing that seems to be missing are the rubber caps for the top of the fence (need approx. 25).

Not sure of manufacturer, I was told that it was an older Doughboy but when I checked their website I couldn't find any information on this pool, so really not sure what it is.

I've tried checking out alternatives to use, nothing seems to fit the dimensions (11/2" x 11/2" x 1/2"). Any help locating this part would be most helpful.

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Fencing for an Intex Pool

by Kevin
(Cleveland Ohio)

Can you put a fence on top of an Intex pool? My Insurance agent told me I need to fence in my yard, or the top of my pool. I was thinking of making my own, but would love to just buy one for it.

Thanks, K~

Hi Kevin.

I've never heard of such a product but maybe someone else has.

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Pool Deck Fence Hardware

by David
(Syacuse, NY)

My Deck Fencing

My Deck Fencing

Hi. I have a 24ft round pool. Not sure of the brand, so I hope someone can help. The pool has an aluminum deck around it. It also has aluminum fencing around it. The fence is in separate panels. These panels have small clips on each side. The top 2 clips slide into the support post of the pool to keep it from falling off. The bottom pieces fit over or around the support post to keep it from moving in or out. These are small aluminum pieces that slide into each section of the fencing.I can't seem to find these pieces for replacement. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Comments for Pool Deck Fence Hardware

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Jan 03, 2017
Pool deck fencing
by: Dennis

I also am looking where to purchase this deck fencing as I have a panel that was destroyed

Apr 27, 2017
Need the same fence parts
by: JIim

I too need those same parts for my pool fence, I have the same fence. Please advise where I can purchase them

May 06, 2017
USA Industries Bellaire Pool
by: Anonymous

It looks like the same pool I have. It is a Bellaire pool by USA Industries. For pool parts, There are only two places that carry the parts. Midwest in Missouri and the company that carried the warranty, now in NY. I recommend Midwest as the man in NY was a complete jerk. I had to get a new wall, tracking and liner. The cost was around 2200. They also carry the fencing.

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Aluminum Pool Fence Connectors

by Anne
(Hamilton NJ)

Fence Connector

Fence Connector

Looking for part for an above ground pool fence. The connector has 4 holes on top. The pool fence is over 15 years old.

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May 13, 2016
fence connector
by: Katie

Did you ever find this connector? I am looking for the same thing.

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