Above Ground Pool Filters

Filter System Questions And Answers

Do you have questions about above ground pool filters?  This is the part of Ask The Pool Pro where we deal with all the issues you may have with you pool filtration system.

Questions and answers about above ground pool filters
This page will deal with filter problems including leaks and vacuuming issues.  Also included will be questions about skimmers, returns and cleaning equipment.

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Replacing Doughboy Return Fitting 
I received a Doughboy that was used that was missing the whole return fitting unit. To order directly from Doughboy is about 5x more expensive than most …

Pool Filter Not Working Correctly 
We have an oval 16x40 Doughboy pool. Our filter is not a sand filter but takes "earth" after we have backwashed. We noticed this year that when we are …

Sand Filter Troubles 
Hello. When I purchased my home, the above ground dough boy pool came with it and the previous owners didn't take care of anything, that included. I never …

Filter Problem Questions 
Plumbing Questions I just bought a 27' round AGP and was wondering how many return lines is best? Also should I use 1 1/2" or 2" PVC? I have a 1 1/2 …

Problems With Pool Filter 
Lower Water With Sand Filter What setting on a sand filter do you use to empty some of the water in the pool because the water is too high? Hi. …

AGP Filters 
Pump Buzzing My brand new Intex super pump will not pump. It only buzzes when i turn it on. Help!!! Hi. It might be you just need to use a heavy …

Pool Filter Problems 
Sand Filter Not Building Pressure I have a Hayward sand filter with 100 lbs of sand with new lateral and fingers replaced 3 weeks ago, changed the pressure …

Above Ground Pool Filter Problems 
Pump For Large Oval Pool What is the minimum pump horse power needed for an 18' by 33' above ground pool? Hi. A 1 HP would clean the pool just …

Swimming Pool Filter Problems 
What Size Filter? What size filter do I need for an 18 ft round pool? I have a 1 hp Hayward pump. Hi Rick. It is much more important to match the …

Help With Filter Problems 
Filter Not Cleaning Pool I have a 21ft round above ground pool. I usually open it myself but this year I had a pool company do it. When the filter was …

Filter Blowing Sand Into Pool 
I have an old Jacuzzi sand filter (17") and a brand new Hayward lx pro pump (1 1/2 hp) hooked up to my 24' round agp. Got everything hooked up today, …

Pool Filter Trouble 
Above Ground Pool Pump Shuts Off The pool filter system is full of water and when we turn on the system it turns off right away. We have been trying …

Filter Not Cleaning Properly 
I have a Sand filter on a 15' round pool. I believe it's a Jacuzzi bros SS185 and has a 1 1/2 hp pump. When I bought it a few years back I believed it …

Hercules Skimmer Leaking 
We recently bought a house with a 24 foot above ground El Dorado pool. Last year when it was opened the skimmer was leaking. We have tried to tighten …

Using Two Pool Filters 
I have a 24 ft round pool and I have a few questions. First, I have two sand filters but only one skimmer box. My theory was that I would use the one …

Reattaching Pool Skimmer 
We just replaced our liner, and are at the stage of reattaching the skimmer. I have been unable to find a whole lot of discussion on this, so I need to …

Advice For First Time Pool Owner 
I just bought and set up my first above ground pool. It is metal frame, 15ft x 42" (approx 4,000Gal). I filled it 2 days ago and put in the chemicals …

What Filter Do I Need 
I have a 27 foot by 52 inch deep above ground pool, how big of a pump do I need? I do not have anything at all. Hi Dee. If I were shopping for a …

Hard Plumbing 
I have never owned a pool before. Getting ready to have a 24' pool installed with a waterway 125 sq ft cartridge filter and hi flow variable speed pump. …

Intex Pool Filter Replacement 
I have a 15 foot round summer escapes pool (blue pool with pvc pipe, just like the Intex pools that are sold at Wal-Mart. This pool only came with the …

Above Ground Pool Filter Questions 
Filter Loosing Suction The water return into the pool is insufficient. The pump is only two years old but does not seem to be pulling in enough water …

Algae Problems 
I have an above ground pool with a cartridge filter. I have shocked and treated the pool with algaecide. The water just looks cloudy. But when I vacuum …

Filter System Questions 
Why do you need to have a check valve after the chlorinator? When the pump isn't running the water inside the pool maintains equal pressure on both sides …

Intex System 
This year we went with an Intex system. My wife is having to clean the electrodes every other day, and the pool is cloudy and green. I’m not sure if, …

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Sand in Pool From Filter 
I asked a question a few days ago and got a wonderfully quick answer, so will try again. One and a half seasons ago, I replaced the inside parts of my …

Replacing Filter Hose with Flexible PVC 
HI, How and What do I need to replace the original gray filter hoses with flexible pvc hose? Step by step if possible thanks! Hi Melissa. Most, but …

Air in Filter 
When we run the filter with water coming from either the skimmer or the center drain, it works fine. The problem comes when we shut the filter off. As …

Adding a Second Return 
I have an oval pool 33'x 18'. The problem I have is that my water doesn't fully circulate, I always have more dirt on the opposite end on the pool skimmer …

Filter System Problems 
On the top side of my PRO SWIM sand filter (near the gauge) was a little glass jar that screwed into the filter. That broke this winter. Seems to be …

Filter Pressure Problems 
We just recently changed the hoses for filter and heater and this year our filter pressure is running at 20, is it possible the hoses are too long which …

Replacing a Return Fitting 
I have a rusted return jet that needs to be fixed. Can it, and how would I go about doing that? It has rust around the whole outside of the jet and a …

Bad Water Comes Back into Pool When I Vacuum 
I have a Hayward E-series pool filter. When I vacuum my pool, the bad stuff comes right back in through the jet. I replaced the sand in the filter, and …

Rusted at Return 
Over the winter water had been dripping out of the return on the outside from what we could see it was coming from the treads on the outside of the pool, …

When to Change Filter Sand 
When is it time to change the sand? The pump is not filtering good and I can't get it from that ugly green color. When is it time to change the sand? …

Using PVC for an Above Ground Pool 
I want to use PVC instead of the flexible tubing that came with the filter and pump. Is there any thing I should be aware of when doing this? The return …

Pool Filter Questions 
Filter Size What size sand filter do i need for a 24x4 foot above ground pool? Hi. I would look for something at least 3/4 HP and at least 150lb …

Replacement Skimmer Leaking 
I just replaced a cracked skimmer on my above ground pool. I replaced it with an exact model and did everything according to the instructions. The pool …

The Right Pump 
What size pool pump and filter do I need for a Doughboy 24 foot pool 3' 6" deep. I bought a house that came with a pool, filter and pump. The current pump …

Skimmer Questions 
I have an above ground Hayward pool, approximately 30 yrs old, the skimmer basket and door flap are broke. I cant find one. All the new skimmers are square, …

Pump Losing Prime when Vacuuming 
I have an above ground pool. I really don't know much about the history of the pool, it came with the house and the previous owners aren't terribly friendly. …

Cutting New Skimmer Opening 
I have sunk a large oval AG into the ground (about 1 foot out) and it is working out well for many years. I laid thick lime stone around the pool area …

Filter Pressure Gauge 
How do you read the pressure gauge? Hi. The pressure gauge on an above ground pool filter is used to determine the amount of water flow going back …

Pool Filter Hook Up 
I have a 30 foot round above ground pool with two center drains. We are having trouble with remembering how to connect everything since we didn't get to …

Skimmer Leaking 
I have a 15x30 above ground pool and noticed I'm leaking water from the outside gasket around the skimmer. Do I drain the water below the skimmer, unscrew …

New Filter and Pump 
I have a Doughboy above ground pool, 24' X 4', and the pump and filter is old. Is the Intex brand pump and Filter compatible for this size pool? I have …

Not Running Filter While Away 
I have a 15' x 30', 4ft. deep above ground pool. I am going to be going away on vacation in July for 5 days. I don't want to leave the pool filter running …

Leak in Return Fitting 
I just installed a new liner, skimmer box and return jet. The return jet has a very small leak on the outside of the pool. In between the edge of the backing …

Salt Water Generator 
My husband and I are trying to decide what type of chemicals we want to use in our pool once we set it up. We have had Intex pools in the past and always …

Replace Pool Return 
I need to replace the skimmer return fitting. My pool is already filled with water. Is it possible to replace the fitting without draining the pool? …

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Pool Filter Leaks 
I have a 27 foot round 52 inch deep, probably 48 inches of water, and am wondering what model Jacuzzi laser filter I need. Is model 192 ok? I hooked …

Install Pool Return Fitting 
How do I cut the jet hole on my new pool liner without it ripping? Hi Scott. I assume we are talking about the return fitting on an above ground pool. …

Filters In The Winter 
We have a 24 x 54 round pool. We have winterized it and covered it. How often do we need to run pump during the winter? Or do we need to? Hi. I recommend …

Filter Hose Leaks 
I have a 24 round above ground pool. The hose that leads from the bottom of the skimmer basket is leaking from the top no matter how tight we make the …

Intex Filters 
We were given an Intex above ground pool. We have no directions to it. We have set it up and turned on the pump. We hooked all tubes according to directions …

Losing Pump Flow 
We have an above ground 24' round with a DE filter. We can get the pump going great, then within an hour there is almost no flow coming out. If we turn …

Vacuum The Pool 
When I opened the pool this year, I shocked my pool. Then I went to vacuum it and while vacuuming the algae came out of the pool jet. I've tried everything …

Replace a Pool Skimmer 
I recently bought a house with an above ground pool (18x33). The pool has not been used for a few years and I am replacing the liner. The skimmer is …

Pool Skimmer Question 
We recently had a 24 foot round above ground pool installed and have a slight problem with the skimmer. The pool's top rails are 10 inches and extend …

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