by Paul
(Rural mb, canada)
I live in Manitoba Canada where the winters are cold and frost is always a concern. What would be the best way to install an 18ft above ground pool considering the frost and concerns of heaving the pool causing damage?
To slightly complicate things, the pool will be installed on a grassed slope where leveling will need to be done by either removing dirt or adding a retaining wall to bring up to level.
Hi Paul
I would recommend doing a combination of a couple of things. You could follow my instructions, or at least most of them, and you could ask around for advice from any one in your area with an above ground pool.
I would start by digging out the grass and the slope getting the area down to bare level dirt. Be sure to clear out at least 22' or more to give yourself plenty of working room.
When you are down to flat dirt I would dig a trench about six inches deep and about two foot wide. If you measure from the center point this trench would be from the 8' mark to the 10' mark. This will be for the base where the bottom rail will sit. The trench can then be filled up with crusher run, or whatever your sand and rock company has that will pack solid.
The next thing would be to lay out the bottom track and mark the area under each bottom connector. I would put a patio block under each footplate. I would laser level these block to assure you that when the pool is finished it will sit level, perfectly level.
The two most important things with above ground pools is to make them perfectly level and perfectly round.
When it's time to put the pool to rest for the winter simply block off the skimmer and keep the pool as full as possible. It seems that most winter damage occurs when pools loose water over the winter. Make sure the pool does not leak before closing it down. The other big problem is allowing water into the skimmer. When the water turns to ice, and the water level drops even slightly, the skimmer area gets pulled down causing wall damage.
Beyond that I would definitely find others in your area that have had above ground pools and I would pick their brains.
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