Above Ground Pool Parts

Questions About Finding Parts for Your Pool

This is the part of Ask The Pool Pro where you can ask questions about finding above ground pool parts.

above ground pool parts
The questions that have already been answered are found just below the invitation.  You may find the answer you are looking for is already there.

Feel free to post a photograph with your question.  This is especially helpful when trying to identify your pool make and model.  Photos are not only helpful, sometimes it's the only way you will get help.  It is useless to say I am looking for top rails for an above ground pool.  There are a million different ones.  Be specific, show me photos and tell me everything you know about the pool.

In this section of Ask the Pool Pro I rely on the help of the people that find, or follow this site mostly. I don't sell pool parts and in many cases I don't know anyone that does, but I have found the help of others to be outstanding. That includes my readers telling others where they found the pool parts they needed, or maybe where they had them made. Others have commented about having parts for that particular pool for sale. This has been going on for a while and some of the posts are dated but the resources, in most cases are still valid.

Anyone finding a good source for above ground pool parts please share it with us. 

Faster, more personalized service is also available, for a low fee.  Try the Pool Pro consulting service. It's not for finding parts but I can sure help you install the pool once you get them.

Thanks for helping to build the best above ground swimming pool resource on the web.

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What Other Visitors Have Said

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Ovation Top Rails 
I am looking for replacement top rails for my Ovation above ground pool.

Muskin Pool Skimmer Question 
I was given a 1990 Sears Muskin 27' above ground pool recently, the pool was missing the skimmer and I ordered a standard replacement skimmer not knowing …

Pool Parts - Brand Unknown 
I Have a chance to get an above ground pool for a great deal. Problem is the rubber parts between the rail caps are weathered badly and need replacement. …

Parts For Ovation Pools 
Please find attached several pictures of my pool, taken at various points around the pool, showing rusted parts. It is an Ovation Pool, Alexandria model. …

Sharkline Pool Parts 
I am looking for top rail replacements for my Sharkline Escalade 52" pool. The part name on the original packing list is 8" taupe plastisol top rails, …

Pool Parts Needed 
Hello, I purchased a used pool from craigslist about 2 years ago. The pool is in great shape except for some of the top rails and caps. I need to order …

Johnny Weissmuller Pool Parts 
I need 3 brackets that sit on top of the bar that the liner sits in for a Johnny Weissmuller round above ground pool. Hi Sherry. The only source I …

Wanted Pool Parts 
Resin Seat Clamp Anyone know where I can get a resin seat clamp for the Oyster Bay 7000 30x52 round pool. The part is numbered 31063-6. It's supposed …

Cantar Pool Parts 
I am looking for the top plates for my Cantar Chateau pool. Does anyone know where these metal plates just below the coping on an above ground pool can …

Help With Pool Parts 
Outback Above Ground Pool Looking to purchase top rails for Barrier Reef 24 foot pool. Changed to salt a few years ago and they are rusted. Anyone …

Parts For Pools 
Tidewater Bottom Rail I have a 27 ft Tidewater, Blue Ribbon model above ground pool. One of the bottom rails has rust. Can anyone help me find a replacement …

Artesian Bottom Plate I Need only one does anyone know where I can locate one? It is a bottom plate for an Artesian Monico Elite pool series ME10-52W …

Pool Parts For AGP 
Need to find post caps for an older Litehouse pool (27' round)

Parts For AGP'S 
Top Rail Replacement We have a 15'X 30' Olympic brand above ground pool that is probably 17 years old. The top rail (under the pans) is rusting away …

Trevi Pool Parts 
I have a 30ft Round Trevi Pool approx 12 years old and I have a few of the top rails rusting. Is there replacement parts or kit to replace the top metal …

Help Finding AGP Parts 
Need Top Rail and Side Post I have the remains of a 4'x 24' above ground pool, I have the bottom track and bottom supports for the side support post, …

Home & Roam Parts 
I have a 15 foot round Home and Roam 4 ft deep pool above ground pool and need the top and bottom plates, and the bottom rails. Can anyone help? 412-835-0681 …

Searching AGP Parts 
Atlantic 27 Foot Above Ground Bottom Rails I am looking for replacement bottom rails for my Atlanta pool. It's above ground 27 foot. I am uploading …

Above Ground Pool Parts Help 
Parisian Pool Parts We purchased a 27ft Parisian above ground pool, by Aqualeader, in 2001. We need to replace about 4 of the top rails and 7 of the …

Searching For Pool Parts 
Aqua Leader Top Rail My top rail on my Aqua Leader above ground pool is cracked .I need a replacement part . Resin top rail part number53" curved 101 …

Leisure Bay Parts 
I own a Leisure Bay 18x33 above ground pool, #1833 that has a 52" liner that I purchased 10 years ago. I purchased it from Rec. Warehouse that has gone …

Pool Parts Locator 
Pool Top Caps Needed I have an above ground pool of unknown manufacture. I need top caps for it. There is a part # on the underside of the cap which …

Above Ground Pool Parts Needed 
Aqualeader Parisian Curved Rail Replacements I purchased an Aqualeader Parisian (24', 52") pool in 2004. I need to replace the Curved Rail on top due …

Parts For Used Above Ground Pools 
Asahi Top Seats I am looking for 7 inch wide top seats, 44 3/8-44 5/8 long for an Asahi pool. Part # 1171. Can you help? Vertical End Caps by: Anonymous …

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AGP Replacement Parts 
Bermuda King Aluminum Support Posts Splitting Based on photos on this forum and elsewhere I have identified that the pool in our yard is a 24' round …

Above Ground Swimming Pool Parts 
Bottom Track Issues I got a pool from a family member when the crew came out to take down the pool, they discover that the bottom track is bad. I am …

Two Return Fittings on Doughboy Pool 
You are so helpful. Thank you for the information you provided as far as us not having the interior of the pool higher than the bottom rail. We bought …

Looking For Pool Parts 
Asahi Pool Parts I need to find rails for a 24' round Asahi pool. It is labeled as a 6" steel pool and the sku is #1624 (5/8" rails) on the Asahi …

Used Pool Parts 
Home & Roam Leisure Products I have an 18' Home and Roam pool and am looking for top rails, mine are rusted. I also need seat clamps and a few top or …

Above Ground Pool Parts for Used Pools 
Top Rail Locking Mechanism The locking mechanism for my pool top rail has broken and I need to find a replacement. They mount using a 1/4 turn quick …

Older Pool Parts Needed 
Haugh's Pool Parts Haugh's pool parts- Connector PART NUMBER: 1490001 anyone no where I might purchase this item mine are all sun rotted...... Thanks …

Locating Parts For Above Ground Pools 
Jacuzzi Gibraltar Pool Missing Hold Down Plates I bought a used pool..which is Jacuzzi brand and Gibraltar oval 15 X 24, but I am missing the hold down …

Doughboy Pool Parts 
Doughboy Steel Wall Joint Needed Where can I get the wall joint for my Doughboy 16' by 4ft deep pool? We had it in storage and now can't locate the …

How Many Pool Parts Are Needed 
How many parts are supposed to be with a 24 foot round above ground pool? We received a used one from a friend and would like to find out if all the parts …

Need Parts For Above Ground Pool 
Need Pool Top Caps I have an 18x33 oval above ground pool ,there are 2 piece caps W/ hooks over the edge. Made by Silverado. Pool part # t3530 replacement …

Locating Pool Parts 
Above Ground Pool Replacement Top Rails I bought a 33x18 Jacuzzi brand above ground pool in 2001. The pool is in pretty good shape but two of the top …

Replacement Pool Parts 
Parts for an Aqua Leader Pool Hi, I have an Aqua Leader 24 ft by 52 in high above ground pool. Last summer we experienced an excessive amount of heavy …

Need Pool Parts 
Bottom Rails For 15' x 30' Pool I have an above ground pool, it's 15x30 and I need bottom rails(track)! I can't find then anywhere, the company pool …

Aqua Leader Pool Parts 
Top Rails & Caps for a 15X33 Aqualeader Concerto Over the winter one of the side rails cracked,the next 6 have collapsed in because of this. We also …

Atlantic Pool Parts 
I need replacement footplates for an Atlantic pool, sold by NAMCO briefly about 7 years ago. On their website it lists the pool under specialty pools and …

Above Ground Pool Fencing 
We will be installing a used 27ft aqua leader pool. We are required to have an above ground pool fence by city ordinance. We really like the look of …

Replacing Used Pool Parts 
Lomart Skimmer Basket I am looking for a Lomart skimmer u basket #307-1032. I have been searching without success and cannot find a supplier. Please …

Above Ground Pool Replacement Parts 
Need a tracker to hold the aluminum or stainless steel outer shell into place at the footing of the pool. 15ft Doughboy Top Rails by: Fin Hello, Real …

Help Finding Pool Parts 
Caps for a Solara 18' by 54" Above Ground Pool I understand that the makers of Solara above ground pools are out of business. Is there anywhere I can …

Pool Wall Damage 
I have a 15 x 48 Bermuda Round Pool above ground swimming pool purchased many years ago at Namco. This winter has been rough on outside items. I went …

Pool Top Rails Needed 
I need the parts that go over the liner, the flat part at the top, the panel that goes over the top, they are aluminum. The pool is about fifteen years …

Voque Pool Parts 
Vogue Pool Liner Question We purchased a house 11 years ago, in Wisconsin, that had an oval 18x33'- 48" high, flat bottomed, Vogue Pool that was installed …

Wall Pulling Away From Post 
I am a single mom and this is my first year taking care of the pool. I notice a small section where the wall has pulled away from the column about 2 inches. …

Cornelius Pool Parts 
We bought a 24' round Summit pool. I ordered two new resin caps that were cracked. The company is located out of Canada. We are installing the pool …

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AGP Parts 
I need bottom track for a 24' round Johnny Weismueller pool. Any idea where I can find them?

Rusted Bottom Rails 
Hi there, Just bought a used above ground pool and cannot find replacement bottom rails. Some were so badly corroded that the previous owner had thrown …

Jacuzzi Above Ground Pool Parts 
I have a jacuzzi pool - 15 ft. 52" round. The company went out of business. I am looking for the top rail brackets to finish assembly. Does anyone or any …

Is AsahiParts.com Still Active? 
You mentioned AsahiParts.com in a link to find older parts for an AGP. I have attempted to order some bottom rails from them and received acknowledgment …

Seaspray Pool Parts 
I have an above ground pool made by Seaspray it is about 8 years old. I am in need of 15 top caps with a part #13348. Resin Top Cap Replacement Parts …

Pool Parts Wanted 
Poolseat Connectors Where can I buy caps for seats for a 24' round above ground pool? I mean the sections that connect the seats together..Had a bad …

Doughboy Pressure Plates 
Bought a used (5 years old) Doughboy oval 18X34. My boys and I took it down, but didn't start putting it together for 6+ months. I noticed in the instructions …

Coleco Pool Parts 
Does anyone have any idea where I can locate replacement bottom rails and column supports for an 18' Coleco pool? May also be known as a Home and Roam …

Identify Pool Bottom & Top Rail Parts 
I bought 24 foot round above ground used pool (originally purchased around 1998) Need to identify mfg and model so I can get replacement bottom & top …

Looking For Above Ground Pool Parts 
Bottom Plates for Older Above Ground Pool Looking for bottom plates for a 24 above round pool. Hi Kim. These pages might be of help. Parts For …

Swapping Coping Strip for Liner Receiver 
We recently had to replace our liner due to a liner failure. We previously had a beaded liner & instead went with an overlap. The installer used our …

Parts for Esther Williams Pools 
Esther Williams Hopper Liner I have an 18' x 33' Ester Williams Pool with a hopper, or deep end. I am having trouble getting a liner. Is there some …

Finding Above Ground Pool Parts 
Aqua Leader Resin Boots I need to find interior and exterior resin boots. They go to an older Aqua leader above ground pool. Allegra Aqua Leader …

Sandstone Above Ground Part 
I am in desperate need of a top cover for my Sandstone above ground pool. due to heavy snow and ice pulling my cover in. This part has snapped off. Know …

Damaged Pool Wall 
Should I replace the pool wall only, or patch with sheet metal? I have 3 spots rusted out about 5-10" above the ground. Martha Hi Martha. Replacing …

AGP Pool Parts 
I need to replace the top edge/railing/edge of my pool. It cracked bent way during the winter and I need one column support any ideas. I can't find any. …

Above Ground Pool Wall Failure  
I have a 30 year old 24' round above ground pool (as I remember it was made by, or for, Kiazer Aluminum, when they made siding for houses. Rumor is that …

Ovation Pool Parts 
I recently bought a used 15x30 ovation pool. while removing the pool I damaged 4 of the bottom plates (that's what the owners man. calls them, part #04009) …

Finding Pool Parts 
Need pool top caps , brand is Trevi. By Tim, Trevi 18' I need top caps for trevi 18 round. caps are 52 inch long. Richard added Trevi Fabrication: …

Esther Williams Pool Parts 
I have an 18 x 33 above ground Esther Williams Millenium pool with the extruded aluminum walls. The liner was leaking and has caused considerable corrosion …

Pool Wall Problems 
The outside of my 15' round pool broke near the skimmer. Where can I buy a replacement part? Hi. Purchasing a new side wall is a rather expensive proposition. …

Outback Pool Replacement Parts 
Where can I find replacement bottom rails for pool wall and base plate for an outback pool brand? Hi Colleen. I don't have a source for Outback pool …

Above Ground Pool Top Rail 
Where can I buy top rails for an above ground swimming pool? We purchased a home with an existing pool that is now in need of a new liner. Because several …

Parts for Above Ground Pools 
Buster Crabbe Pool Replacement Top Rails I am looking to replace the top rails on my Buster Crabbe 15'x30' pool purchased in 1992. Do you know where …

Bottom Rail 
Where can I buy the bottom rails that hold the wall up on an above ground swimming pool? Hi Zayra. It is helpful to know exactly what kind of pool …

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Replace Top Rails on Pool 
I've read your entire site, VERY helpful. I have 5-6 top rails that have rusted through, and need replaced. Unfortunately, the pool is too old to identify …

Lomart Pool Parts 
We were given an older above ground Lomart pool (round 18'x48"). Several of the vertical posts are beyond saving and all of the foot plates should be replaced …

Muskin Parts 
I need a top plate nut, # 0513828, for an old Muskin Pool. Any suggestions? Hi Anthony. Here is a link to a store that sells Muskin above ground pool …

Old Sears Pool Part 
Hello - I've searched and searched but can't come up with the top plate nut (spring nut, cage nut, etc...) It receives the bolt that connects the top plates. …

Artesian Pool Parts 
I live in Hedgesville, WV and have an Artesian 6500 Series Monaco Elite 52" above ground pool. I need to find the sculpted two piece resin seat clamp …

Need Pool Top Caps 
I have an 11-year-old above ground pool in good shape except the plastic post caps are breaking. They are a 2-piece cap which hooks over the front edge …

Top Cap Questions 
I need some replacement white plastic top caps for a 24' round pool made by American Pool 'n' Spa Corp, model Alcazar pool. I've tried calling a number …

Fusion Above Ground Pool Parts 
A recent hail storm damaged several top seats on my 27' round Fusion above-round pool. Where can I order replacement top seats? Hi. Your best bet …

Above Ground Pool Bottom Track 
I inherited an above the ground pool, 15x30 oval, not sure what brand. When we took down the pool, the bottom track was rotten and we can not use it. …

Replace the Bottom Rail 
When should I replace the bottom rail? I have a piece that is rusted through. I was told to wait until the liner needs to be replaced or until it gets …

Rusted Pool Uprights 
I have a 21 foot round above ground pool, installed 6 years ago. I noticed this year that the uprights are rusting at the bottom. Some of them are in the …

Used Pool Parts Missing 
I am missing two bottom plates for the uprights. Do you know if I can purchase these anywhere? I would also like to replace the plastic safety caps (two-piece). …

Foot Plates 
I need to move an above ground pool that came with our recent house purchase so that a tree can be removed from the property. Upon completing the removal, …

Allegro Pool Parts 
I am looking for 3 pieces of bottom railing for our above ground pool. Our pool is an 18' x 33' oval, approx 12 yrs old. I believe it was an Allegro …

Atlantis Above Ground Pool Parts 
I need to find 2 top connectors for my Atlantis above ground pool. Hi Shona. Here is a little back ground information about your pool that may help …

Pool Parts 
Where can I find replacement connectors for top railing, (dog chewed some) off of my above ground pool? I need help please. Hi T Snow. Above ground …

Caps for an Above Ground Pool 
I need to replace several plastic above ground pool caps that connect the metal rails circling the pool. I have had zero luck finding replacement parts …

Bottom Track for an Above Ground Pool 
Where can I find replacement bottom rails for a 24' above ground pool? Do you know anyone that sells the bottom metal wall track? Hi Danelle. The …

Asahi Pool Parts 
I have a used pool that was left at a house we just moved into. It is ( I think) going to be an 18 ft X 52" . Everything including the filter and the pump …

Rusted Pool Parts 
My husband and I purchased a nice 18' x 52" Jacuzzi pool from some people about an hour and a half away. Upon initial inspection, the pool looked awesome. …

Replacement Bottom Rails 
We're stuck on dial up - so after 3+ hours of searching - I came across your site. Thank you for all your hard work and effort to put this together for …

Pool Replacement Parts 
We have an Outback above ground pool. During a bad storm last year we had a piece of furniture go flying, and it knocked off one of the two-piece top …

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