Above Ground Pool - Replace or Not

by Richard

Mother Nature tore up my liner in my above ground pool this spring. I removed the liner myself and called a local pro referred by one of the local pool suppliers in the area. He said that because my wall had a patch in it (Perfectly circular and at most 2" in diameter. I haven't measured) he would not install a new liner.

The patch has been there perhaps 10 years. I inherited the pool 3 years ago when I bought the property. Pro recommended a whole new pool. After materials and installation I'm looking at $5M to $7M in cost depending on pool I select. Is this sound advice or are they just trying to sell me something I don't need as some of my well-meaning friends suggest. Please advise.

thx, Richard

Hi Richard

It's very possible it's just a liability issue. I refused to install liners in a few pools also, but they had to be in pretty bad shape for me to do that. If it is just liability you could either find a different installer or do the job yourself.

There are many safe ways to patch a pool wall and yours is probably just fine. Especially since it has been there about ten years.

Comments for Above Ground Pool - Replace or Not

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Jun 19, 2014
The M
by: Anonymous

I was just wondering about the M after the 5-7. I'm hoping it doesn't mean million. And if it matters at all I think you need a different opinion ( your installer). Almost every above ground pool installer I know of says you can't put them in the ground. They site rust as an issue. Rust in the ground more than above the ground? Any way my point is that a lot of them have a different agenda. I think our friend( the pool pro) here is trying to tell you it will be fine but not able to be positive without actually seeing it in person.

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