Above Ground Pool Wall Failure

by Robert
(Annapolis MD 21401)

Above Ground Pool Wall Damage

Above Ground Pool Wall Damage

I have a 30 year old 24' round above ground pool (as I remember it was made by, or for, Kiazer Aluminum, when they made siding for houses. Rumor is that Ester Williams took over. I have wonderful full walkway with fence and have built my own decking on one side.

The Pool wall ripped apart in August of 2009. I believe that the 48" wall could be replaced but I have not been able to find a dealer or installer willing to work with me.

Can anyone help, I am unable to do the work myself?

Hi Robert.

That does not look good, it actually looks like the pool is full of water and about ready to burst. I hope you got it drained before it did.

As for the repairs you definitely need a new wall. It can be rather expensive to buy just an above ground pool sidewall and most stores will tell you it's just a few dollars more to replace the whole pool.

There is actually pretty good reasoning in this because with a pool that is 30 years old, with a wall in that condition, you will probably have many other parts that are going to need to be replaced. The bottom rails and footplates will probably be unusable and possibly the uprights also. Anything that has had contact with the soil for that many years is probably in need of replacement.

My recommendation is to shop for either a new or used pool. If all your equipment is good, many stores will give you a great price on a pool only package. Buying a used pool is another excellent way of replacing what you have.

As far as getting the work done maybe a contractor from Annapolis MD will use the comment button and make their services available. Another option is to use Service Magic and see if they can find a contractor for you, it's free and they may find the right person to do the work.

These are a couple more pages about buying pool parts that might help.

Asahi Above Ground Pools

Above Ground Pool Parts

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