Above Ground Pool Wall Material

Where can I purchase metal wall material for my 24' round above ground pool repair? I need 12' of it. I need bottom track to reach between two braces, and a resource for bottom brackets would be good also.

Hi Wendell.

Replacement above ground pool walls can be very expensive to order from the manufacturer so that option is probably out. Check this page about finding above ground pool parts, Parts For Above Ground Pools with the parts about pool stores and used pools being the most relevant.

Above ground pool parts can be ordered from the site linked to on this page Asahi Above Ground Pools. These would be somewhat generic in nature, unless of course you own an Asahi above ground pool. They are, however, fairly universal in nature. Your best bet of course would be to order directly from the manufacturer of your pool. Then we are back to locating a store near you that sells the brand you own.

More tips can be found on the Pool Wall Repair page. Basically steel or aluminum coil stock can be purchased in many different widths and might be what you really need. If the wall damage is only on the lower half of the wall taping 12' of 36" flashing material to the inside of the wall may be all you need.

Comments for Above Ground Pool Wall Material

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Oct 14, 2010
Wall repair
by: Earl

I highly discourage using "flashing" to repair a pool wall, especially if the damaged area is any bigger than an inch or two. The area Wendall describes sounds like the lower portion of the wall. This portion holds the most pressure from the weight of the water. I recommend looking in the local papers or Craigslist for someone giving a pool away. Many times you can find one with a wall still in good shape & cut out enough of that to lay over the inside of the damaged area and either rivet it in place or bolt it the way the walls are seamed together. This is a very serious job & takes great assessment of the type of repair needed & how it needs to be secured. A pool wall rupture is something you DO NOT want to have happen. I have done many of this type of repair but one must have very good judgment in doing this.


The severity of the damage was not fully explained so we are probably both right. The more severe the damage the heavier material would be needed to make the repair. It is also true the farther down the wall the more pressure there is. But small rust holes can be properly treated with thin aluminum flashing.

Feb 07, 2013
Have parts for a Sears 15 x 30 x 52 pool
by: Anonymous

If you need parts from this pool please email me with the pic and I will look and see what I have and give you a price. I go threw pay pal. llrandallavon@yahoo.com

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