by Susie
(crown point in USA)
I need to replace an existing Doughboy pool that is surround by a deck. It is 21' round, 48" high. I found the same pool with same width height and number of posts. Please advise most cost effective way to do this.
I was told I would have to take the first three boards of the deck surrounding the pool. Then I would need to take the back part of the deck down to give the installers access to install. I also need to take down my fence, which will also require removing landscaping and bushes to give them enough access to get a bobcat in as they need to bring in two tons of sand for the new installation. Needless to say installation is costing more than the pool. Any suggestions on making this easier? And is new sand needed?
Hi Susie
The last pool I did that was surrounded by a deck we did not require any deck removal and we were able to use the existing sand. Normally I like to add a little new sand when installing a new pool where an existing one had been, but in this situation it was worth being extra careful with the moving and smoothing of the sand. Adding new sand would have been a real pain.
We move all our sand in a wheel barrel through standard gates, you might check if this is an option.
As for the deck, it is much easier to have access to both sides of the pool, but not absolutely necessary.
You may want to see if you could get other estimates, if not maybe the installers would be willing to work with you a little.
by Larry
(Wisconsin )
I have a 27' round pool that is surrounded by wood decking about half way around the pool. The middle of the pool is one foot deeper so I purchased an expandable liner. My question is that installation instructions for an overlap liner calls for the liner to be pulled all the way over the rails around the entire pool. While the top rails are all accessible, there is no room between the deck and the outside of the top rails to pull the liner over the top. Is there another way to do this type of installation by securing the liner to the top of the rails or with manpower on top of the deck holding the liner in place until the middle is stretched into place and water covers the bottom?? Help please!
Hi Larry
I tell all my local customers that I need access all around the pool to install an expandable liner. I want to be able to pull the liner up and over the top rails, I would also like to be able to walk around the pool as I remove and replace top rails.
by Jamie B
(Muscatine, Iowa)
We bought a used Doughboy Pool with a deck. We disassembled both ourselves so we know how to re-install. My question, what comes first? The deck or the pool?
It would seem the pool- but how on earth can you have enough room to get to the bolts/ screws when reinstalling the deck? Also, I would think that you shouldn't be digging the footing holes that close to a pool (cave-in), which makes me wonder if the deck should go up first. I just wonder if I should get people to rebuild the deck first- then have the pool people come. ARG! I can see it go either way.
Hi Jamie Do the pool first. It is next to impossible to properly install an above ground pool up next to a deck. When I install a pool I need room to walk around the pool, that's the only way I can properly install the liner.
The deck posts near the pool should be cut and set on blocks, you do not want to dig near the pool. All the posts could be set on blocks if you wanted, that's the way I do decks. But no, do not dig near the pool.
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