Zodiac Pool On Brick Patio

by Robin
(Los Angeles, CA)

I was looking to buy a Zodiac above ground pool to put in my back patio. The material that we used for the patio is brick in a harringbone pattern on top of compacted sand. We did not cement the brick in. My concern is if it a good idea to place a pool on this type of flooring. Also what would I have to do to protect the bottom of the pool from the brick?

Hi Robin. I don't see any problems with putting the Zodiac pool on your brick patio. Your only concern will be providing enough cushion under the pool so the brick pattern does not show through to the bottom of the pool.

Indoor/outdoor carpeting is the first thing that comes to my mind. It is thick enough that most of what is under it will not show thru. Most of the pool cushions on the market these days are pretty thin, probably not the best base to use over brick.

Carpet pad is another inexpensive option, but it may take a few layers to even out the brick underneath. You would have to be the judge of that.

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Jul 29, 2011
Alternative Padding
by: Maggie

We use the big, square, interlocking rubber pads that are used for kids' playrooms under our pool every year. I cut the outside squares into a circle to fit just inside of the pool's base ring. Then we use play sand for the cove - inside against the pool wall. Makes for a great cushion and when you take the pool down, you can use the sand to sweep into your patio.

Excellent idea, thanks.

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Above Ground Pool and Pavers

by Michelle

We had a 24x54 round pool installed yesterday by professional's and I noticed (thought about it today) they didn't put pavers under any of the support post, is that ok?

Hi Michelle

Here in Arizona we seldom use pavers also. It depends on how large the footplates are and how solid the ground is. We laser level every footplate perfect and never have leveling issues.

The most important thing, once the pool is full, is to check the water level. Measure from the top rail to the top of the water all the way around the pool. If that all reads within an inch you should be fine. If not you may want to call the installers back out to check it, you should be well withing an inch.

Keep an eye on the pool level over time, it should always stay the same. If settling does start to occur it should be obvious and indicate some correction may be needed. Not having blocks in itself is not a problem because it just depends.

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Pool on Pavers

by Doreen Marzen
(Iowa US)

We are installing landscape pavers and want to put an above ground pool on them Do you see any problems with doing this We are considering using a gorilla pad and pool cove Will this work and will the pavers be damage when we no longer wish to have the pool?

Hi Doreen Setting the pool on pavers should not hurt them. I would go with something heavier than the Gorilla pad. It flattens out so thin once the water is sitting on it you will see all the joints between the blocks. You might consider using 1" 4x8 sheets of foam. The pool cove is an excellent idea.

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Jun 12, 2014
Pool on Pavers
by: Doreen Marzen

Thank you so much for your help with my pool question. Very helpful!

Jun 25, 2017
Did you install the Pool on the pavers?
by: Sandy

I was wondering if We could do that at our house. We have a small back yard and it is all pavers. Would love to have a round pool there. Was wondering if you installed it and how it worked out.

Aug 21, 2018
Did you install the Pool on the pavers?
by: Cj

How did it work out? Any problems or surprises?
Any advice is welcome.

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Pool Base Paver Size

by Graham
(Ottawa Canada)

I am about to set up a standard 18 ft X 52" round pool, can I use a 8" X 7" X 2" thick patio block under each support leg or should the blocks be a larger size?

Thanks, Graham

Hi Graham. In Arizona, where I install pools, we seldom use blocks. The ground is so hard they are seldom necessary.

The size of the block depends on how firm your ground is. The softer the soil the larger the block should be.

Sandy soil would require at least 12" x 12" blocks. In really bad soil a border of blocks would probably be good, under the footplates and rails.

In most situations any block would be just fine under the uprights. So if you are working on a firm soil I would proceed as you have planned.

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Aug 28, 2012
Softsided pool installation
by: Anonymous

I recently had a soft sided pool installed. The sub-contractor used sand underneath and wood blocks under the supports. As a result the sides have bowed out and one has bowed in. It is a huge pool and I am left with a mess.

Some websites say to use sand and others do not. I already have sandy soil living off of Lake Erie. Would you advise against installing a soft sided pool that is meant to stay up year round under my soil conditions? Shouldn't contractors check out the conditions first? It seems to get worse every time it rains. This was only installed 4 weeks ago. I could not be more disappointed. I always wanted a big pool.

Hi. It is very possible the contractor used too much sand, just a small amount is needed, if any at all, depending on soil conditions.

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