by Dee Ann Schroeder
(Plymouth, Indiana)
My husband and I want to sell our 12 year old above ground pool. The pool needs a new liner, but everything else is excellent condition. A new pump was bought last year. How much do you think our pool is worth?
Hi Dee
Off the top of my head I would say 3-5 hundred. The price depends on many factors. The market in your area for above ground pools and the time of year are big variables. The demand increases the hotter it gets, so the summer months are the best time to sell.
The condition of the pool is a big factor. At 12 years old it could be in good condition or it could be a rust bucket ready for the garbage. The soil conditions that might cause rust, the care it has received for 12 years and the quality of the pool have a lot to do with this. A top brand pool could easily be in like new condition. An inexpensive pool might have parts that are rusted beyond further use. In certain types of soil, even the best pools deteriorate rapidly. I have seen Doughboy bottom rails falling apart from rust in less than two years. I have also moved, and reinstalled, Doughboy pools that were over 15 years old, and they were almost like new.
The care given a pool makes a difference also. If a leaky liner was allowed to stay in a pool the walls could be rusted on the inside. If a skimmer leak was not fixed, rust could have eaten away the entire skimmer opening.
One of the biggest factors in selling a used above ground pool is whether or not it is up and operating. If it is up, is it clean and inviting? A pool full of clean water is worth a lot more than a stack of pool parts or a filthy cesspool.
I would let the buyer know that a used liner cannot be reused and that you have a brand new one, in box, that goes with the pool. This really is a big plus if you want any kind of money out your pool.
This 12 year old pool, full of water, sparkling clean, new liner in a box next to it, no signs of rust and in the middle of summer might bring 700 to a 1000.
Something else that determines the price is the size of the pool. In most cases the larger the pool, the more money you can ask for.
Comments for Above Ground Pool For Sale
What's a pre owned, 27ft, round above ground swimming pool worth? Will need new ladder, solar cover, winter cover, chem kit and maybe new liner. Pump and filter in very good condition.
The value of a pool will depend on many factors. The season is one thing, used above ground pools sell better in the spring than the fall. Pools sell better when they are up and running, as opposed to being taken apart and looking like a pile of parts.
The age and condition of the pool is a big factor also. The older the pool the less it will be worth. A newer pool in poor condition, however, could easily be worth less than an older pool in excellent condition.
The brand of pool is important to many buyers. A brand name like Doughboy will usually bring more than a brand no one has heard of.
Another thing to consider is the price of a new liner. I would not lead anyone to believe that the used liner can be re-used. They usually can not, unless the liner is less than 2 years old. Even then it is more trouble than it is worth. I would go online and buy a new liner for the pool, leave it in the box and sell it with the pool.
These are a few of the variables to consider when pricing a used pool. Your pool might sell for as little as $400.00 or as much as $1500.00.
by Dianne
(Lincroft, NJ)
We are considering buying a used 6 yr. old aluminum Esther Williams pool (27ft. round with walk deck, fencing, 9 x 16 patio deck and grand staircase with enclosing gate)It looks new.
It is being offered for $3,000 and $1500 for installation. This seems like a really good deal , what do you think? We are debating whether we should buy this or buy a brand new steel pool for $3,000? The Esther Williams comes with a new liner (in the box), pump, filter, winter cover. The same guy that's selling it would be installing it. Any thoughts? Thanks, Dianne
Hi Dianne
That's a good question with no right or wrong answer . I normally prefer going with used products myself. I think this is the case because I fix or repair everything myself and have little use for warranties. That and I know how much more you can get used for the same money. Your pool might be an example of that.
Your forty five hundred dollar investment will get you a big, top of the line, pool with all the bells and whistles. That same money spent on a new pool will get you a basic pool, maybe not as big, or not as fancy, or without the deck, but a new pool with all the warranties that go with it. If you have problems you have an installer, a pool store, a pool manufacturer and a filter manufacturer all standing behind their products. If something were to happen to your Esther Williams used pool you are on your own.
As for the price, I would like to see it a little lower. But, if it is like new, and the guy can really install it like a pro, it's worth the money. If you get a lousy installation, it will not matter how nice the pool is, you will not enjoy it much.
My only other consideration would be the condition of all the aluminum parts. Aluminum may not rust but it does corrode. Check the inside of the wall and all the bottom rails and footplates. Make sure they all look like new.
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