Aboveground In Ground

by Steve Thompson
(Kitchener,Ontario. Canada)

I love the section on putting your above ground pool into the ground.

Was wondering though that since we live in Ontario Canada and the winters here can cause ground freezing and the frost line is around the 4' mark.

Would you suggest doing that here?

We have a 32' by 16' and it's 4' deep and was thinking of digging down approx. 3' and installing it like that.

Any thoughts or concerns would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Steve

Hi Steve. I would try to find other people in your area that have done it and see if they have had problems. If others have done it successfully you should be just fine, if not, you may want to reconsider.

The hundreds of above ground pools I have installed in the ground have all been in Arizona where freezing ground conditions are not a concern.

Let us know what you decide. I sure many others have the same question.

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May 23, 2012
aboveground inground
by: Anna

I would like to buy one of these Intex metal frame above ground pools, are they suitable to be installed half in and out of the ground? We have done this with our 18ft Doughboy and it has been successful but we are having water problems here in England and I thought since it needs some work, I would replace it anyway. Thanks

Hi I would not try putting a metal frame pool in the ground. At least I would not backfill dirt against it.

Jun 05, 2012
Round vs Oval, Steel vs Resin
by: Deb

Hello and help! Your site is the greatest! I have to decide ASAP. Oval or round, resin or steel? Slurry mix or not? We are sinking an above ground pool all the way in except for about 6-8 inches....HOA guidelines says it must be in ground. The pool dealer carries Doughboy, but only the CC (Copper Canyon), not the DS (Dessert Springs). The CC has steel rails and caps, the DS has resin. The DS model is a couple thousand more. The CC is around 6,500 for the deluxe package for a 16x 24. Because it is installed with a slurry mix the installer wants over $6000 for install. Add another $2000 for 110 feet of fence, another $600 for electric, and another $1000 for pavers and we are looking over $16,000 to sink a steel above ground pool! We are on a tight budget and I would hate to spend this money and NOT get the best. With the vast difference in the Doughboy models, steel vs resin, is one better than the other for this situation? Does round vs oval make a big difference with resin? Vs with steel? The pool dealer said the white resign would fade in about three years. Also, what about these prices? Can I order online and possibly get a better deal? Your site is so informative. If you can just get me started I would be glad to pay a fee to help support the web site and your time through this whole pool install and ownership thing! Please contact me at dswest101@yahoo.com

Hi Deb I would go with the steel wall and the steel top rails, I feel it is a better pool. You may find a cheaper pool online but you will never find one better than a Doughboy.

It's impossible for me to know the labor prices in your area but I would recommend getting a few estimates, just to be sure.

Apr 12, 2013
Pool Disaster
by: Anonymous

Thanks Steve, an Update: we had the pool installed by a National chain Pool Company. They advertised with "profession installers" and did not give me a choice to pick my own contractor. I assumed they were their contractors. When things went terribly wrong, they said the contractors were separate. Fingers were pointing in different directions. The pool walls caved in 3 ft the night after install. Hole was overdue, slurry was not correct ratios. It has been a nightmare. Pool was reinstalled but we are prisoners in our own home. We cannot leave or go on vacation because if it rains, the water rises, comes out of the skimmer, into the dirt under the travertine and creates a danger for collapse of the expensive travertine decking, as well as the pool walls. Living in Florida, the hint of "sinkholes" already scare me! We did buy a small pump to lower the water level from rain, however, you have to be home to run it! Any suggestions?

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