AGP Filters

Pump Buzzing

My brand new Intex super pump will not pump. It only buzzes when i turn it on. Help!!!


It might be you just need to use a heavy duty extension cord. It could also mean the pump is burned out or the impeller is stuck. With a new pump it is probably the power source.

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Saltwater System Problems

by Donna

We have an Intex 34' x 52" with a saltwater system. The first month the water was clean and clear. We were gone on vacation and I can't get it clear again.

Weather has been very hot (over 100) and the water alternates between cloudy and a little green. I have added shock (which briefly clears the water), Pool First Aid (as recommended by the pool store when I took my water in), more salt, etc. The test strips say the chlorine and salt levels are normal. Any thoughts?

Hi Donna.

I've never used a salt water system so I'm not sure, but I would try running the filter more, 24/7 if need be.

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Apr 17, 2013
Intex filter pumps
by: Dee

We have owned Intex pools for many years and hate all the sand and cartridge filter pumps. We had nothing but problems with them lasting and doing what they are suppose to. We just purchased a DE system waiting to get it now

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Pool Pump Problem

by Tyler
(North Carolina)

I turned on my pool pump today and sand and dirty water began spraying out of the water return jet, so I shut it off for a while, put the pump on the rinse system and let that go for around 5 minutes. I came back and turned the pump back on filter and nothing changed, sand and dirty water keeps spraying in my pool. Why is it doing this and how can i fix it??

Hi Tyler.

It sounds to me like a bad spider gasket, you should pull the valve head and check the condition. The other option is to remove the sand and check the filter laterals for holes.

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Broken Pool Pump

We have a 15'x 42" Summer Escapes above ground pool. This is our second year using it.

Yesterday, the pump quit working. We've tried hooking it up to several different cords and outlets - the pump is getting power, because the red "Reset" light comes on, but the motor isn't running. Nothing happens.

Do these things just break? Is there anything we can try to fix this? It cannot be that it 'just got wet', because it is a POOL pump, aren't they designed to get wet?

Any tips you can offer would be great. Also, if we can't fix it and have to buy a new one, do we have to buy a whole new pump set, or can we just buy parts? Do you know how much it will set us back? Thanks so much in advance!


The first thing I do when a pump won't turn over is to pull the front and see if the impeller is stuck. This is usually the problem.

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Pressure Gauge Broke And Leaking

I just had my old pump replaced with a 3/4 hp Rainbird. My above ground pool is 10 years old, and now it seems the new pump's pressure was so strong that it had caused a small leak where the gauge attaches to the top of the sand filter.

I tried to see if I could turn the gauge to tighten it and the entire thing snapped off in my hand, causing a strong stream of water to come out. I turned the pump off, and temporarily stuck a screw where the hole is with Teflon tape.

I know this won't stop the leak and probably will just blow out once the pump is restarted. HELP!

I'm a single mom and I am totally at a loss as to what can stop this leak. I can't put anymore money into this pool, so I just need to get it fixed somehow without replacing more expensive parts.


You might try removing the top of the tank and installing a sealed bolt where the gauge opening is. This might seal it up. The best bet is to replace the sand tank itself. Check Craigslist, sometimes you can find these for free.

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Vacuum Hose Collasping

by Emma
(Columbus, OH)

I have an Intex above ground pool and have added a sand filter system and upgraded the connection hoses from/to pool and pumps including the skimmer. My problem is I am having trouble with all of my vacuum hoses. Seems they collapse within 2 seconds so I can not operate them.

What do I need to do to either increase the water flow, and or allow for the higher pump motor? I am not sure what to do.

Hi Emma.

I would suggest upgrading the hoses, it is not uncommon for cheap hoses to collapse when a good pump is hooked up to them.

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