by Maureen
(Somerset PA)
I need to replace the top edge/railing/edge of my pool. It cracked bent way during the winter and I need one column support any ideas. I can't find any. Thanks Maureen
by: Maureen
I saw that you posted the same question I have. 'My top rails are rusting. Do you know where I can buy some?
Did you find out?
If so, please email me at
Thanks! Annie
by Carrie
(Frankfort, IN)
We are moving a 24ft above ground pool. When taking the pool down, a lot of bottom track fell apart due to old age (12 yrs old). Where can I order a new track?
Hi Carrie.
These are the only resources I have for finding above ground pool parts. Hope something here works for you.
by Sam
I need 15 foot plates for my pool. The old ones are aluminum and the tabs break off easily. Where can I get new ones? The top and foot plates on my pool are identical.
Hi Sam
Finding any kind of replacement parts for above ground pools is hard. Check all of your local pool stores. You might even find a great deal on a used pool that would have the parts you need.
When we are doing installs and the aluminum tabs break off we just fix them. That is a major design flaw that the tabs bread off so often. I have even had it happen on new pools while installing them.
I carry some aluminum L bracket material with me. It needs to be about 1 inch by 1 inch by a half inch wide. I bolt it to the plate and drill a hole in it using the old tab as a guide. This works just fine.
How the upright attaches to the footplate is not really important. This is not a very important structural element of the pool. The upright just needs to be kept from moving side to side.
by Helen Lipka-Arnett
Where can we buy the metal channel for the upper part of an above ground pool. The channel is 1" square, it supports the upper edge of the pool, it goes in between the support legs.
One of ours is rusted which we found as we were putting in a new liner.
Thanks so much for this site and your help.
Hi Helen.
At the bottom of this page Asahi Pools is a link to Asahi pool parts. The top retaining rods are fairly universal and the ones on this site should work. They may have two sizes, if so you want the larger of the two. Make sure you buy the one that is for your size pool, as all sizes have a slightly different arc.
Even if it not the exact same thing it can probably be made to work.
by Tburg
Hi, We purchased a used Sonesta Above Ground Pool and there were some small plugs on the top of the post caps. They needed to be removed with pliers and some were damaged. Not only were these plugs aesthetically pleasing but I believe they also had the purpose of preventing the lower screws from rusting. I am not able to find the part name of these plugs, all the diagrams I have found show them as screws. I would like to replace some but without a part name I am at a stand still, I don't know if a pool supply store would carry them or if I would need to call a pool manufacturer.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
When we purchased our home, the pool came with it. The problem is every one of the top connectors are missing. It is a Whispers above ground pool. The parts list # is 340-2265 for the top connector, I cannot find them any where. Is there a replacement part for these?
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