Aluminum Panel Pool

by Penny

Aluminum Panel Pool

Aluminum Panel Pool

We are trying to find out what type of pool this is. The pool is 22 years old, all aluminum panels that slide together and the liner is finally giving out and will need to be replaced.

We also believe this is a beaded liner I don't know if you can tell from the 2nd picture. Would appreciate any help you can give.

Hi Penny

I think it might be an Ester Williams pool but I can't say for sure. Hopefully someone out there has one and can say for sure.

It's pretty easy to tell whether or not it is a beaded liner. Look under the top rail on the outside of the pool and see if there is any liner hanging over the wall. It is doubtful that you will find any because it is probably, like you said, a beaded liner.

Comments for Aluminum Panel Pool

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Apr 09, 2013
Privacy/Shade Fencing
by: Vickie

I love/need this privacy/shade fencing. Please let me know where I can get this fencing. It is the most Private fence I have seen anywhere. Please help.

Hi Vickie

This type of fencing was only sold in a package with some of these high end pools. It is nice but I doubt you will be able to find anything like it sold separately.

Jun 02, 2013
Need help
by: Sara

We have almost the same exact pool, except we don't have the shade things on our fence. Lol sorry not sure exactly what to call them. We are running into the same issue, we need a new liner and have no idea what kind of pool we have. It was my grandmothers, she gave it to us when she passed away. Were you able to find any information on your pool? Or was anyone able to explain how to find information on your pool. If so it would be greatly helpful.

Jun 03, 2013
Pool Liner
by: Penny

We really didn't find out anything else about the pool, we know it needs a beaded liner, but the old one is still hanging in there! 25 years now! Doesn't look real good, but still serves the purpose! Good luck with your search. I would suggest checking with your local pool store & seeing what they have for beaded liners. When the time comes we will probably install ourselves though because they wanted $800 just for installation here!
Good luck!

Jun 07, 2013
by: Leroy

The liner is beaded. Make sure you get the right bead style.

May 06, 2015
Sea Isle
by: kb9nvh

Sea Isle

Jul 08, 2017
Aluminum privacy panels for sale with walk around deck
by: Jesse

I have the privacy pool panels you are looking for and want to sell mine for more info text or call me at 660-654-4009 the package will be the pool privacy panels with 24' round walk around deck with all hardware and ladders included. also email is Im located in North Missouri, the deck is already disassembled and ready to load

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