Artesian Pool Parts

by Glenda Gageby
(Hedgesville, WV)

I live in Hedgesville, WV and have an Artesian 6500 Series Monaco Elite 52" above ground pool.

I need to find the sculpted two piece resin seat clamp to replace one that is broken.

I cannot locate anyone that sells the Artesian pools in my area. Where is the closest dealer and how can I order the Seat Clamp base & Top?

Hi Glenda.

Artesian pools are made by Wilbur International. They also make Sharkline, Seaspray, Aqua Leader, Voque, Atlantic and others. It might be possible that a dealer for one of these other pools could order Artesian parts.

You could also do a Google search and find a store dealing with this kind of pool and call them. The parts could be ordered over the phone and shipped to your home. It would not matter where the store was located, you will never have to go there.

Comments for Artesian Pool Parts

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May 21, 2011
Ken Lovas at Wilbar
by: Anonymous

Hi --- I just found out a contact at Wilbar to order parts. Call 631-299-0634. He should be able to help or put you in contact with help.

God Bless!

Jul 20, 2011
Source for Artesian Pool Parts
by: Anonymous

Wilbar International is the maker of Artesian Pools. As long as you have your pool part number they will cross reference it with what they have for your pool. The phone number is 1-631-951-9800 M-F 8-5 eastern time.

I was needing a seat top, and with my part number they were able to send me the correct part for my above ground pool.


Aug 10, 2012
To get the best results
by: Ben

That tip for Ken Lovas was great, and worked out for me. You can also send him an e-mail at with pictures of the part you need, as well as the pool you have. Include information such as the age, the size, the number of uprights, and the shape. He will then get you the part number and the next person to contact.

Jun 15, 2013
Re: Artesian ABG pool parts
by: Anonymous

Here is what I have learned: These parts are near impossible to find. Wilbar International is either so busy, they are back logged - or they are simply horrible at customer service. I tried EVERY means of communication and got NO reply. ZERO. I did, however find a VERY HELPFUL place that not only took my order PROMPTLY (by answering their phone), they were inexpensive. Looking for top rail resin caps like I was? Only about $12 + shipping each. If you don't know your part number, just e-mail a pic to them to verify. They are Artesian Pools & Spas in York, Pa. The number is 717-751-0658. Good luck and happy swimming !

Jun 22, 2014
wilbur enterprises and artesian pools
by: trespea

I called wilbur and the woman I spoke to didn't seem to know much, but she did say they don't carry artesian. I wanted to know if the name had been changed, since the company was sold, so I could find them or another type than would possibly fit. Couldnt! So I called the next day hoping I'd get someone more knowledgeable but got the same lady (sigh), still hoping I can find other brand that will fit. Anyone else know??

Jun 30, 2014
Artesian pool parts
by: Anonymous

I need a complete set of top rail parts for an Artesian Sandy Point 30' round. So much for the "lifetime warranty" on the resin pieces since the company is out of business. I was given the number for Wilbar and put a claim in. The best they could do is take off 50%. It still comes to over $1100.00 plus shipping. For a little more, I could buy a new pool!!

Jul 28, 2014
Artesian Oyster Bay 33'x48" Parts
by: Geoff

My 18 y/o 33'x48" Oyster Bay wall that was rusting finally gave way last night. She has served me well. The rest of the wall (uprights/caps) is intact. Either I take them to the recycle place or unload them to someone that can use them. Any takers? In central Maryland.

Replacing it with a new 33'x54"....any suggestions for a brand to consider and brands to stay away from?

Thank you.


May 11, 2017
Email is
by: Anonymous

Our top rail got damaged by hail and we need to replace it but the pool place I called said they can't find any for my artesian pool,any suggestions?

Jun 16, 2019
Artesian Seville 27 feet round above ground pool
by: Don

I am in need of 2 top rails, 2 top caps, 2 lower caps, and 2 top plates.

Sep 09, 2019
REplacement parts
by: Anonymous

I have an Artesian Emerald Isle 33' 54" and I need a piece that is the foot of the poly resign upright does anyone know where I can find parts

Aug 04, 2020
Top Seat Replacements
by: Daune

We have an Artesian 24' round Seville 8500 series pool. The pool is 16 years old, but in good shape. Some of our top seats have warped in the sun and we need to replace top seats. Where can I buy them?

May 04, 2021
Im looking for the same thing
by: Ames

Hi, I've been looking for the resin caps for my pool too. so far Ive had no luck. Was wondering if you ever found any or could give me some pointers as to who to call or where to look. thanks so much

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Artesian Sandy Point Above Ground Pool

by Chris
(Orefield pa)

I need to replace top tracking and caps. I can't find the parts. The pool is about 5 years old since we installed it.

Comments for Artesian Sandy Point Above Ground Pool

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Jun 25, 2014
top caps
by: Anonymous

Were you able to locate the parts you needed? I'm in the same situation

May 11, 2018
HELP - Artesian Sandy Point Above Ground Pool
by: Anonymous

Was anyone able to find a place that sells the Artesian Sandy Point Above Ground Pool top rails and caps? We are replacing our existing deck and the people who lived in our house before us had the pool installed and didn't think to ask for the missing top rails that the deck sits on :(

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Artesian Pool Tops

Where can I find seat clamp tops for my Artesian pool 7000 series elite classic 52"?

Comments for Artesian Pool Tops

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Sep 04, 2013
Artesian 7000 series top caps and seats
by: Anonymous


I have a new complete set of Resin top caps and seats for a 7000 series above ground pool.
There are 21 caps and seats for a 30' pool

Call or text Scott Laman @ (419) 516-2903 if interested

May 18, 2016
Seat clamp tops and seat clamp base
by: Anonymous

I'm needing 6 seat clamp tops and base for a Artesian pool series 7000 part # 31633-350-00000 & 31632-350-00000
Pleading email me at

Apr 18, 2019
Seat Clamp Top straight replacements
by: Anonymous

I am looking to replace about 4 seat clamps on my Artesian Pools 7000 Series Fusion 52" 16X32 pool. I have seen a few people comment on here but haven't seen too many responses on where to purchase these replacement parts. If you could please respond to the thread and let me know where to purchase these parts I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you!

Mary Roker

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Seville Pool by Artesian 15' x 30 oval

by Karen
(Raleigh, NC, United States)

We recently purchased a Seville pool used from someone and upon taking it down we discovered that the buttress along the bottom has rotted and all but one of the straps has broken. Is there anywhere that we can buy replacements for the buttress for our pool along with the straps. Apparently, the company was sold to another company and they tell us we cannot get parts for the pool.

Comments for Seville Pool by Artesian 15' x 30 oval

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May 28, 2014
by: Rich

These parts should be available through Wilbar International. I contacted He was a great help. Send him some pics

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LOOKING for Artesian Seville 27' pool parts

by Colleen
(Oak Forest, IL)

Our pool is 11 years old and the steel walls have rusted and it's poking holes in our liner. We bought a new liner and are currently looking for the metal brackets that hold the top rail onto the pool because some of them are extremely corroded and falling apart. They would actually be located under the top railing on the posts. We cannot find them anywhere. The pool has a great lifetime warranty and we filed a claim but still have not had any success in getting anyone to look at the claim and get back to us. Any idea where we can find this part?

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Jun 04, 2014
top rails
by: Anonymous

I am looking for top rails for above ground pool Artesian Willow Creek Ultra 24 round 52 high

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Replacement Top Seat (rail) and Seat clamp 54" Seville II Ultra

by Mark B
(Lake County IL)

Due to some damage sustained by a hail storm, I am looking for replacement Seat clamps and Top rails for and Artesian Pools 54 " Seville II Ultra, 24ft round, Pool Series SV23-54U, Frame Series 8500. I am in Lake County IL. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Artesian Pool Parts

by Joyce
(Louisville KY)

I have an oval 16x24 Artesian 7100 Series River view classic 52" above ground pool I need seat clamp tops ( # 31620 -350-00000) and insert ( 31621-355-00000)and 47 1/8" top seats (# 56540-350-04713) does any one know where I can find them, Jjsmoove jyc245@

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Artesian Uprights

by Anthony Villalobos

Hello, I hope you can help me. I have been unsuccessful finding the above ground pool company, Artesian Pools, with whom my father purchased a pool from in 2007. All my inquiry has led me to believe they are are no longer in business. However, it seems their products are still available online through other distributors.
I am in need of parts to the pool. Specifically, the steel uprights. I believe the pool is an "8500 Series Grove Park Lifestyle 54" Tall Narrow Oval". Part number as per manual is: 56498-350-05375.
If you can distribute those parts or have any information as to where I may find them, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You :)

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Oyster Bay Artesian 7000 Series Pool

by Theodora
(Fitchburg, MA )

I am looking for a top rail for my Oyster Bay Series 7000 pool. I am aware it has been discontinued, however, I really need some sort of replacement. 53" x 6 1/2" resin (heck, I'll take metal at this point) It is a 24' pool with 17 seats going around pool. Feel free to email me at I am crossing my fingers you have one...or know where I can find one.

Thank you

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Replacement Parts

Artesian pool,
pool name - 52" Fusion
shape - buttress oval
pool series - FS07-52CW
frame series - 7000

I'm needing the resin seat clamp top and base
part numbers 31633-322, 31636-322, 31632-322.

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30' x 54 Emerald Isle by Artesian

by Ron
(Missouri )

Can anyone tell me where or if parts are available anymore? I'm getting close to needing to replace the top rail all the way around. This will make the pool like new again.

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Above Ground Pool Corner Cap Covers

by Michael

looking for these caps for 21' round above ground pool.

Artesian Clamp Top REPLACED BY 35298!!! (10 pack) - 34642-Pack10


Artesian 7100 Clamp Top Insert Dark Grey NO LONGER AVAILABLE REPLACED BY 34249 (10 Pack) - 10192-Pack10

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Looking for parts for Artesian Seville II

Dear Sirs,
I am looking for top caps, top cap supports (the bottom half) and resin deluxe base for uprights. I only need a couple of each. I believe that Wilbar Cypress parts will work. The pool is above ground, 18x34 oval, 54/48" depth. Thanks,

Sean Johnson

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