Beaded Pool Liner Not Fitting Correctly

by Mandy
(Leavittsburg,Ohio,USA )

We are having a lot of problems with our pool liner. We have an 18x33 oval pool that is 48" high. We are clearly not doing something right and turning it into an overlap liner. I don't think that is gonna work either. Plus we kinda spent every last penny we had getting the liner pad and the liner itself.

So here it goes. We got the liner all up and the three lines that run along the bottom are all even with where they need to be. The middle one running directly down the middle and the two ends running about a quarter way on. All straight and everything. The line that runs along the very bottom where the cove is fits perfectly along the straight sides and there is no wrinkles in the middle. But then the liner sags real bad about 1/2 foot on each side. Then you have the curved ends that the line doesn't reach the cove. It is about 4 inches off each curve and the liner is extremely tight.

I don't know why it is doing this. It seems as almost like the liner is too short in length but too big in width. Our cove is measured perfectly from what it needs to be and the sand is leveled perfectly too. I don't know if we are doing something wrong and not noticing it, our liner is not made right, or will adding water fix this problem?

There is about 2 inches in it now and it doesn't seem to be doing anything really at all different on either side. Should we add more?

Hi Mandy

A lot of beaded liners are like that, long on the sides and short on the ends.

I would overlap the liner. That will make the sides look nice. The ends do not have to be pulled over a lot, just enough to get the coping on.

If the ends are tight you may need some mid day sunlight to warm the liner up enough for it to stretch. Liners will stretch a lot if they are hot enough, make use of the sun.

Comments for Beaded Pool Liner Not Fitting Correctly

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Jun 21, 2013
Beaded liner
by: Lynne

We had similar problems with a beaded liner when we replaced it 2 yrs ago in our 21X52 whereas it had came off the track and fell down the side and into the pool during winter and when the winter cover came off the pool was drained.

This year we went with a J hook where you have to take the tops off instead on just resting the liner in the track you take the top rails off, seems to be more strong and in place. Although we installed the J hook on a very nice sunny day and did as recommended the clock install (12, 3, 6, 9) it was still tight and one side was bubbled out on side and seemed to be twisted in some areas around the walls, we thought oh no, it's too small but...after the vacuum stage, we thru the hose and it is a beautiful fit.

We like the J hook or over the wall liners. The beaded ones seem to install easily without the removal of the top rails but to us not as sturdy. Good Luck to you!

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