by Holly Lopez
(San Antonio, Texas)
We purchased an Intex 15 x 48 Metal Frame above ground pool. My husband and son were so excited to get it up they didn't take into consideration the leveling issue. I tried telling them the ground was not level but they told me not to worry. Ha Ha, that is all I have done since we bought the pool.
After filling it with water and realizing that the water was 8"-10" lower on one side they agreed we should drain it and do it the right way.
My dad and I rented a tiller to dig out the high side and fill the low side since several articles I read said not to use sand as a fill and to do it this way. This was an all day event in the blistering 101 degree Texas heat with no shade.
I had also read to put pavers under the feet of the metal frame to keep them from sinking so we did. After filling the pool back up 3/4 of the way I noticed the pool liner is resting on some of the pavers. This concerns me because the pavers have a rough edge and I am worried the liner will rub on the pavers and tear.
I was thinking about inserting a piece of foam insulation (the kind you use to put around the AC lines running from the outside of your house to the outside AC unit) to keep the liner from rubbing on the pavers.
Do you think this would work or do you have a better suggestion? We have already spent some much time and money on this pool I am hoping there is a fairly easy solution.
Hi Holly. I think your idea is just fine. Why the pool is sitting on the blocks I do not know. The tops of the blocks should be at ground level. That is if the entire pool area is level and the blocks were set in the ground.
If the pool looks good and you are happy with the installation, then yes, I would just pad the liner from coming into contact with the blocks.
It was 117 degrees in Arizona today. I hear what you are saying about working in the heat all day. I hope the pool is fine and that you get to enjoy it all summer.
Comments for Intex Pool Block Question
by Aaron
(Spokane, WA)
I have recently purchased an Intex 18' x 48" round pool with a metal frame. I am in the process of leveling the ground but had a question regarding the placement of pavers (brick shaped) under the legs. What is the best method to determine where the pavers should go? Do you level the ground, build the pool, and then place the pavers?
I would prefer to place the pavers before I build the pool, I would like to use a ground cover underneath it, and don't necessarily want the pavers under the liner. I have a transit level ready to go but am unsure of how to proceed. Any help is appreciated.
Hi Aaron
Setting the blocks is one of the last things I do. My partner would be on the inside with the water running smoothing out the wrinkles. I would be on the outside setting the pavers and hooking up the filter. When I was done the inside would be smooth and we were done.
I guess my plan was to be sure all the pavers were far enough away from the liner. I would still use the laser level on them and it went pretty fast to place a small block under each post. The ground would have already been leveled and a thin base of sand put down.
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