Bottom Track for an Above Ground Pool

by Danelle Green
(Orrum Nc USA)

Above Ground Pool Bottom Rail

Above Ground Pool Bottom Rail

Where can I find replacement bottom rails for a 24' above ground pool? Do you know anyone that sells the bottom metal wall track?

Hi Danelle.

The pool you have is a Hub pool. If any of your local pool stores are familiar with if they may be able to order parts. The inside lip on these bottom rails is a little higher than the outside. They have pretty much the same shape as a Doughboy bottom rail.

A Doughboy dealer should be easy enough to find and they could order these for you. Make sure you get the bottom rails for a 24' pool. Every size pool has a slightly different arc build into the bottom rails. Any 24' bottom rails should work, they may not fit exactly like the ones you have but they could be made to work.

They lengths may be slightly different. If they are shorter you would need to allow a little more gap at each footplate. If they are longer than your original ones I would cut them down to size and use the gap shown in your picture. The gap between rails is used as an adjustment and can be increased or decreased as needed to make the wall fit. Changes to the bottom rail gap should be made at each footplate, not just the last one or two to make the wall fit.

Online there is this place. Take a look and see if you think these bottom rails might work. They do not have the high inner lip but they could easily be adapted to work for you. Once the bottom rails are in the footplates pliers can be used to pinch the metal on the footplate enough to hold them snug.

Comments for Bottom Track for an Above Ground Pool

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Jun 04, 2010
Foot Pads
by: Anonymous

Looking for a particular foot pad (missing just one). It has two tabs on the side instead of the one that most pool stores seem to carry, and it doesn't have one in the front. So, there are four, instead of three. Can anyone advise?

Jul 10, 2010
bottom rails
by: Ellen

Help! We've been looking for bottom rail parts for our 27' above ground pool all spring and summer.It's 48 inches tall and haven't been able to reset our pool yet.

Jul 15, 2010
Bottom rails & plates
by: Randy

Is there an alternate to Asahi? I ordered many rails, etc a month ago, noting they were out of my size but expected in June.

No reply or delivery date yet. Bought new liner/filter/etc, but all waiting to replace the rusted rails before proceeding.

>Anyone else out there have these?

Apr 11, 2011
Ellen...did you find them?
by: Amy

HI Ellen!
I have a 27' diameter pool and I am also looking for the bottom track and some top rails. I know it has been a long time since you posted this and just wondering if you ever located any.

Thanks! Amy

If you did could you email me?

Jun 06, 2011
Above ground Pool Parts
by: Anonymous has all kinds of above ground pool parts!!! Or go to a local pool store they can order parts.

Jun 07, 2011
Update on pools rails
by: Anonymous

Just an update on my rails that I had been looking for. I am in the Fort Worth area in Texas and went to a pool place called Bonnie and Clyde's Pools and they were able to order my rails for me. They had to order them from Canada because of my brand of pool, but they knew what pool it was from just a couple of pictures I had sent them. If you are in this area and looking for pool parts I would call them.!

Jul 02, 2011
Bottom track for a 24' Atlantis pool???
by: Brandy W.

Can anybody tell me where I can find replacement parts for a bottom metal wall track for a 24' x 48"above ground Atlantis pool i think its made by Atlantic but i have no idea what year it is!! I just know its old!

Thanks to anyone who can steer me in the right path!!!!!

Jul 08, 2011
Bottom Rail
by: Anonymous

I have the same rail as in the picture and no one can find one locally. Doughboy said they don't have the size. I try search for HUB Pool and find nothing.


Apr 01, 2012
Pool replacement part
by: Anonymous has alot of replacement parts. I found my rails there. I just looked under parts and they have pictures of the pool taken apart and you can see if it is what you are looking for. I hope this helps!

Apr 23, 2012
top rails that fit over coping
by: Charlie

I was reading the other comments. Does anyone know where I might find the Top Rim that fits over the coping on a 18ft. round metal frame pool. The pool was originally serviced for parts by General Foam Plastics. Thanks for any input on this matter.

May 24, 2012
bottom track
by: Anonymous

I used the track from a mobile home supply place that is used for the skirting around a mobile home. It worked great and looks the same.

Jun 05, 2012
Hub Pool's still made?
by: Dave

I too have a Hub pool like what is pictured above. Several of the footplates need to be replaced. Is Hub in business? I searched but come up with nothing. Otherwise, I will see if Doughboy or Lomart have anything.


Apr 10, 2013
Mobile home track
by: Anonymous

Seen the comment above on mobile home tracking, and was curious if it bends easily to fit the wall into? Looks the same like u said just curious how durable?

Apr 18, 2013
Replacement Track for Pools
by: Anonymous

I have an above ground 24" pool. It was already installed when we purchased our house, so I had no idea who manufactured it. After changing the liner. we discovered that the top track was more then rusted, I serched in vain for replacement track. We discovered that a "lattice cap" strip from the local home depot worked great. It will not rust and was a great solution for us. While I make no warranty or gaurantee, it is a option that may work for some. All you can do is try. I am more then pleased and don't ever have to worry about it rusting as it is made of durable vinyl. All we had to do was to take a pair of pliers and squeeze the tab on the top plate to make it have a more snug fit. I don't know how it would work for a bottom track but it worked great for the top track. I hope this may help others.

Jan 11, 2014
Swimming pool bottom track

I stock above ground pool parts.
I can supply bottom track in resin, rather than metal also, WILL NOT RUST!!

May 31, 2014
bottom rails
by: Anonymous

I tryed to go to but it go to godaddy and wants to know if I want the domain.

May 31, 2014
by: Anonymous

Jun 05, 2014
bottom rail
by: Anonymous

Do u have any for an older 28 foot above ground pool?

Jun 19, 2014
Aquarian 200 track
by: Anonymousdana

I'm looking bottom tracks for an Aquarian 200. I can not find any one who sells this type of pool. I even called the place where the man said he bought it from and they basically laughed at me.

Apr 28, 2015
I need help finding this bottom rail
by: Anonymous

Ok.. Lol so we bought this pool used. I don't know the brand of it and I'm needing to find the base rail. It's a round 18'. The rail I have measures about 56" long. I found new bottom plates but I'm so confused on the rail. Not sure if they all fit or measure about the same.

May 13, 2015
Where can I find bottom tracks for my pool
by: Anonymous

I bought a used pool this weekend. After taking it down I found the bottoms wall tracks to be very very rusted and some even snapped with a small amount of pressure. Where can I find tracks to fit a 16'x24' oval pool? IDK brand

May 14, 2015
bottom rails
by: Case

I'm in the same boat as the last comment. I bought a 12x24 above ground pool online used. People swear up and down that when they took it down this was all the parts. I only have 5 bottom rail pieces and 2 bottom plates. I'm going to try a few of the websites listed above during business hours but thought I'd throw my problem out there to see if anyone has any advice. Kinda thinking I bit off more than I could chew with this venture. Thanks in advance for any rssponses.

May 27, 2015
Bottom rails
by: Craig

I was givin a 24' pool by a family member. Of course the bottom rails were rusted. The manufacturers name was on the corner buckle covers. I contacted them through email and they were able to figure out what model by pictures. They are sending me new rails. This was a Trevi pool, they are in Canada. Good Luck

Jun 30, 2015
looking for 5 bottom rail pieces for 30ft round pool
by: Kathy Hudak

looking for bottom rail pieces for esther williams 30ft round above ground pool. need approximately 5-6 pieces. approx. measures 4ft 9in. each piece. Needed ASAP. Thank YOu.

Jul 28, 2015
Jacuzzi pool track
by: jankdwb

Im looking for replacement bottom tracks for 24 foot Jacuzzi above ground pool any idea where I might find them?

May 04, 2016
Replacement parts
by: Anonymous

We bought a used pool that was already taken down to find out some of the metal frame tracking for bottom is very rusted and needs to be replaced. How do we find out the brand of pool to find the replacement parts?

Jun 07, 2016
by: Peggy

I have a 24' Leisure Bay pool that is almost 20 years old that I need bottom rims for

Jul 20, 2016
Bottom track
by: Anonymous

My pool has a plastic bottom track. Can't figure out what brand. Anyone know who make an above ground pool with plastic base track. We lost one in the move.

Jun 23, 2018
Pool parts
by: Arkansas girl

Where can i find the bottom rails looks just like the picture for a 15x30 Oval above ground pool.

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