Bubbles Under Pond Liner

by Kenneth Haynes
(Madison, AL, USA)

Shallow end pond bubbles

Shallow end pond bubbles

I built a pond (200 ft long and 120 ft wide) in my front yard. Lined big protruding rocks with discarded nylon carpet pieces before laying down the pond liner. After about 4 years, huge bubbles appeared in the shallow end (2 ft deep).

Cut a 1 inch slit on the edge of the liner above water level and used a broom to move the bubble across the pong towards the slit. Air came out as the bubble dissipated. There was no discernible smell.

Do you have any idea what causes these bubbles and what to do about it?


Hi Kenneth

I do not know what would cause the bubbles, something happening in the ground I guess. It sounds to me like you have the perfect solution, that is to work them out of the pond as the need arises.

It looks like you have done a great job with your pond and thanks for sharing the photo. Maybe someone who has had a similar experience will offer advice.

Comments for Bubbles Under Pond Liner

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Nov 17, 2011
Air Bubble
by: Anonymous

Bacteria is working to compose the dead debris under the pond liner, so the air accumulates under the liner just as result of this process. It's normal. Just lift up one side of the liner and let the gas escape. Did you clean up before you put the liner down?

Jul 01, 2014
Suck the air out
by: Anonymous

When you get these bubbles, work a length of hose or pipe out there and suck the air out with a vacuum or vacuum pump. If the bubble appear in the same place, leave the hose there for future use.

Feb 10, 2016
Pond Liner Repair
by: Nicole Martin

Great experienced shared by you. At long last you have assembled marsh pond for koi and moved it into it securely. Well being environment is extremely essential for koi. Pond liner, moderate water temperature and clean water gives it sound environment.

Nov 17, 2016
Fish Pond Sealant
by: Melina Nelson

Thank for sharing your submit. My pond has, in addition, gets the hazard to be messy because of the overpowering storm. I was now not making use of chemicals in light of the best way that it can be perilous for fish. I'll take after your tips to wash pond and would have nonpoisonous Pondpro2000.

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