Building A Pole Barn

Pole Barn Building Photos

We started building a pole barn on this page Pole Barn.  Here we will show more views of the construction and the inside framework.  One of most important things you can when working on a project of this size, keep everything square.  No matter what you are doing, keep it square and double check often.

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The roof is on and one wall is almost finished, with a lot more siding to go.  As we were installing the siding we used just enough screws to hold the panels in place.  This kept the process going quickly.  Once a wall is sided we use a chalk line to mark all the rows for the rest of the screws.  When all you have to deal with is driving screws on a purple line, it makes the task pretty easy.


pole barn siding
All that's left now is the front wall.  This will be the most time consuming because it includes the large sliding door.  It also includes the miter cuts at the top, the same as the rear wall.  Cutting the miters on the steel panel is a perfect example of measure twice and cut once.  You have just enough panels to do the job because these things are expensive.  There are times a mistake can be used on a shorter section, but you can not always count on that, be careful.


pole barn front view
Building the pole barn in Missouri, with winter fast approaching, can mean working in some pretty nasty, cold, windy weather.  Once the roof is on we at least have some place dry to do the rest of the cutting, if needed.  I prefer doing this outdoors, but there are those times it's nice to be inside with the propane heater cranked up.


pole barn inside view
The rafters were about to get framed for wall board.  Since this was to be a work area, heat and cooling would be used.  By closing off the top portion of the room it's easier to heat and cool the rest.  The savings could be substantial if this room is used on a regular basis.  The extra storage area created in the rafters can be useful also.


pole barn rafters
Before the ceiling could be installed we ran all the electric and hung all the lights. This customer went all out and wanted lights and outlets everywhere. Now is the time to do it, and do it right. It's a bit expensive but a lot better than wishing you had done it right to begin with. Now is the time to run all those wires. 


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