Buster Crabbe Liner

by Scott

We recently removed our neighbors "Buster Crabbe" Greystone 27x52 pool and plan on self installing it. We were told the pool is not exactly 27'. If this is true, what is the actual size and would I need a special liner?

Thanks, Curt

Hi Curt.

Your above ground pool should use a standard 27' liner. That is how the pool is listed and the liner should fit just fine.

If you do not have the actual paperwork for the pool, paperwork that says your pool is 27', I would double check before ordering. Just lay out the bottom rail and connect all the footplates. Use a tape measure and a center point. Set all the rails at a radius of 13' 6" and see if it fits together at that measurement. If not, make the needed adjustments, keeping the radius the same. It may wind up at 13' 3" or 13'9", either way is fine. In both cases a 27' liner is the one you need.

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Aug 26, 2009
Thank You
by: Anonymous

If the radius leeway is +/-3" I don't think I will have any problems installing a 27' liner. Thanks for your help!!!


You should be just fine. A 27' pool seldom measures 27'exact.

Sep 09, 2009
looking for Buster Crabbe parts
by: Bill

I am looking for anyone who may have the 4 corner aluminum coping for a 1970 ish inground pool. I am wiling to buy them depending on condition. My personal emai is WGJ48@aol.com.

Thanks very much!

Bill in CT.

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