Our AGP is located right next to our conservation water area where all the critters like to hang out (Only spot where there was enough sun).
Would it be in our best interest to pour a concrete pad under our pool? The critters made a few pin hole size holes so we need a new liner anyway. What to do???
Thank you for your help.
Concrete is your best solution but heavy plastic might work also. Several layers of thick landscaping plastic is usually enough to keep critters out from under an above ground pool, but not always.
If you go with the concrete idea I would recommend the preformed pool cove for around the edge and a pool pad for under the liner. As long as the concrete is poured level you should not have any problems.
by Eric
(Massillon, Ohio)
We had a chipmunk burrowed under the pool and now have a sunk in liner about two sections long. The wall, believe it or not, is still level, however, where the burrowing took place was by the bottom foot plate and sand has fallen away and now a sharp edge has punctured pool liner.
I know the liner can be patched, however, my question, or needing confirmation of is, I'm going to have to drain the entire pool before digging out the sides correct? I am guessing even if I dig a small portion the weight of the water or pressure is going to push down even more not allowing me to re-pack the foot or so to fill the hole?
Thank you for any suggestions.
Hi Eric.
Yes, draining the pool will be required. If it were me I would try to leave at least 3-4 inches of water in the pool. Once a few of the top rails have been removed have someone get in the pool and hold the liner back while you do the repairs to the ground and sand. Leaving a little water in the pool will keep the liner from shrinking and shifting. It makes the whole refilling part much easier.
Even with just a few inches of water in the pool the liner will still shrink some. Try to do the draining, repairs and refill in as short of period of time as possible. If you do the filling in direct sunlight the liner should stretch back out just fine.
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