Coleco Replacement Parts

Does anyone have any idea where I can locate replacement bottom rails and column supports for an 18' Coleco pool?

May also be known as a Home and Roam Liesure Products pool? Thanks!


There would be a big difference between a Coleco and a Home and Roam. Coleco pools were sold by Montgomery Wards for many years, many many years ago. They were bought by Lomart, a Hoffinger company, and have undergone significant changes. The Lomart pools started out looking much like original Coleco pools but have now taken on most all of the characteristics of their sister company Doughboy.

Home and Roam had an entry level model that resembled the Coleco a little.

Anyway, if it's Coleco parts you are looking for you are probably out of luck. They have not been around in so many years no one is likely to have parts.

Maybe some one who has some will read this and make a post.

Comments for Coleco Replacement Parts

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Jan 12, 2012
Coleco Pool Parts
by: Rip

I have a 1980 Coleco Sandy Brooke. I've had it since 1981. It was purchased directly from a pool dealer and had been a display model. Sadly, this summer ended up being my pools final year. The main reason was the area around the pool return became too damaged. I ordered another pool and still have the current pool up. It is a 24' Round with fence around. If anyone is interested in parts and etc, please let me know. I've been in the same spot searching for something or someone who might have a coleco. Thanks.

Jun 20, 2012
Coleco Pool Parts
by: Anonymous

Do you still have the Coleco pool? I have a 1982 18' round and am looking for the stabilizer rails as mine are rusting. I could probably cut them down to size. PLease let me know if you still have them and how I can get in touch with you. thanks.

Sep 14, 2015
Coleco Pool Parts
by: Marie

If your looking for Coleco Pool Parts..... Send us pictures of your pool and we will get it fixed for you. Send pictures of your pool. Walk around and take lots of different angles. Send them to Marie

May 27, 2019
Cole Pool Filter
by: Vic

I have a very old Cole pool filter that looks like it is a sand filter. 25" tall x 17" diameter.
I haven't looked inside yet, (Many, many nuts and bolts to remove).

It has a valve control for pump, pool and waste.

Did Coleco ever make a sand filter?

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Coleco 22ft Round Wall

I have a 22ft round Coleco above ground pool. This winter two of the wall panels (meaning two sections between the supports) collapsed from the snow weight. The liner, frame and filter system are all in great condition, as the pool is only 4 years old.

I am wondering if it is possible to purchase just the wall? or do I have to purchase a new complete pool?

I can send pictures and dimensions if this is something that can be done. I can't imagine that I have to trash the entire pool and can't replace the steel walls.
Please help. thanks!

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Coleco Top Rails

by Ron
(Dayton, Ohio USA)

I have an 18 ft round pool that needs top rails. This is a 1977 Coleco with no model number. The rail needs to be a curved 4 in wide rail and could be metal or resin but must be the 4 in width and curved to fit inside the deck. If anyone knows of a source for this size rail please respond. Thanks, Ron

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