Concrete Pad Under Pool

by Bill

On a 24 ft round above ground pool how big should I poor the concrete pad and how thick? The pool also has a 2 ft walkway all around. We are going this route because we had some mole damage that tore up our liner and we have to replace it.

Hi Bill. Pouring a concrete pad is the best way to get rid of a mole problem. I hope it works for you.

You will need to check with the concrete folks as to the thickness. In the warmer parts of Arizona 4-5 inches would be plenty. I'm not sure that is true everywhere.

The size should be at least a foot larger than the pool all the way around. So a 24 foot pool would need a concrete slab with a 13 foot radius, or 26 foot across.

That is assuming the support posts for the walkway angle back to the pool, as most that I have seen. If they go straight down then you should allow ample amount of concrete to safely set these posts on.

Comments for Concrete Pad Under Pool

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Apr 05, 2011
"happy cove"
by: Kathleen

The pool installer came out to give an estimate--he mentioned a 'happy cove' that surrounds the pool at the bottom. He said most warranty's won't cover anything unless a pool has this. Not that the happy cove is really necessary- just something that's not always mentioned in the 10-20 year warranties. What's your thoughts?

Hi. The preformed pool cove is not a bad idea but I have never heard of warranties requiring it. If that is your only reason for using it I would read the warranty carefully, or call the company and ask.

Jun 27, 2011
"Happy Cove"
by: Anonymous

Just to add to the last comment. I also had a warranty offer with the cove, but it is an extension of the mfg warranty. mostly in the amount of pro-rated coverage. Actually sounded like a good plan, but I was buying the cove anyway so it wasn't a consideration. Hope that helps, Steve

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