Cooling Pool Water Temperature

by Mark

I have a 15x30 Bermuda pool. It is installed about 2 feet into the ground. My problem is that the water temp is hovering around 90 degrees (according to the thermometer that is in the pool)

What can I get to cool the temp down? Can I install something on the return to create a fountain? Or will that interfere with the circulation of the pump/filter?


Hi Mark

What you need is an aerator. They attach to the return line and spray water up into the air. They are used at night and bring some of the cool air back down into the water.

pool aerator

Aerators are attached into the return line in a couple of different ways. There are fountain attachments you can buy that hook up to your existing return. Some operate at the pool wall and some use a hose that allows a fountain to sit in the center of the pool. One of the more popular pool lights has a fountain attachment that is very effective. The light replaces your existing return and the fountain attachment is a removable piece that snaps on to the inside of the pool, over the light housing.

I have also seen many homemade aerators for above ground pools. Pool stores sell the small aerator fitting, used for in-ground pools. This fitting can be attached to 3/4" PVC pipe and clamped to the top of your pool wall. You then elbow down, install a valve, and tie it in to your return line. These can be very inexpensive and effective.

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Feb 10, 2011
Mega Aerator
by: Mark

I have recently acquired an in ground pool pump motor. I plan on using it to create a mega aerator. What I plan on doing is installing 2 4x4x10 posts into the ground about 10 feet apart and about 1.5 feet from the pool. Running a line off of the return into this motor and running PVC up the post and across a 2x6 mounted on top of the 4x4 posts. I will drill a series of staggered holes in 2" pvc and aim it into the pool. The flow will be controlled by a ball valve

Will me attaching the other line to my main pump line affect the flow? Or would I do better installing a pvc intake into the pool over the side?

Thanks, Mark

Hi Mark

It sounds like a neat idea. I don't see how you could combine intakes. If it were me I would give it a separate one. This could be over the wall or with a thru the wall Hayward return fitting, either way would work. Keep in mind the powerful suction this will have and make sure it's kid proof if youngsters use the pool. Or just keep it off when the pool is in use.

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Pool Water Too Hot

by Nora

We have a 24' x 52" pool sunken down 22". Our challenge is trying to keep the water temperature below 90 degrees. Do you have any suggestions?

Too HOT to swim, Nora

Hi Nora

The way to cool an above ground pool is with the use an aerator or a fountain. Many aerators and fountains hook up directly to the return on your pool. These are easy to attach and will do a decent job of cooling the water in your pool. The fancier fountains also hook up to your return but the sit in the center of the pool and spray more water, so they are likely to do a better job of cooling the pool.

Some of these can be seen at the bottom of this page.

Above Ground Pool Accessories

The idea behind these attachments is to run them at night. The water gets sprayed up into the cool night air, thus cooling off before it lands back into the pool. Doing this all night could lower your water temperature by at least ten degrees. That should make swimming a lot more comfortable. I have lived in Arizona for 40 plus years, we know a thing or two about staying cool. We swim at night and we also run our aerators all night.

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