by Martha
Should I replace the pool wall only, or patch with sheet metal? I have 3 spots rusted out about 5-10" above the ground.
Hi Martha.
Replacing just the wall can be very expensive and most of the time will involve replacing other parts. By the time the wall has rusted many times the bottom rails and footplates have rusted also. This can make the actual removal and replacement of the wall difficult.
If the wall appears to be sound it is OK to patch the holes. A good solid wall can be safely patched where one with extensive rust damage should not be. If the wall is thin it could easily rupture while the pool is full of water.
These pages might be of help to you also.
by Tony
I have a 16x24 Doughboy pool that is sunk 2 feet in the ground. I finally had to replace the liner after 19 years. The pool had a slow leak at the return hose and I foolishly ignored it for to long.
When I put the new liner in and went to cut the hole for the return line I see that the outer pool wall has rusted out and now the new gasket will not seal and I still have a slow leak.
I have thought about draining the pool down, patching the liner and moving the return line to a new spot. Then sanding the wall and painting it with a rust stopping paint. Is there a better solution?
Hi Tony.
I personally love Doughboy pools and think the are the best value for your money, so please let me reiterate a couple of things you said. First Doughboy liner, 19 years old. Doughboy pool, 19 years old and ready for a second liner.
OK, I'm done, I just couldn't resist putting in a plug for my favorite above ground pool.
Before I moved the return location I would try sanding and painting the existing one. You should be able to smooth it out and make it like new again and that would be much easier than cutting a new hole.
If you go with the new hole you would need to find some actual pool vinyl, if you kept the cut out portion from the return you are all set. Use Boxer Vinyl Repair Glue and patch the hole from the back side of the liner. The water pressure will then keep the liner tight against the patch and it should never come off. The hole in the wall can be taken care of by taping a piece of flat metal to the inside. Running the tape up and over the wall tends to help keep it in place until the pool fills, then the water holds it tight.
The new hole should be cut with a hole saw and the edges treated with clear finger nail polish.
Comments for Rusting Pool Wall at Return
bottom of wall, rusted bent and torn
We have a 15-20 yr old 24' above ground pool. Over the winter we experienced more ice/snow than usual. This spring our pool has buckled and has bowed out under the skimmer/return. Also, due to the age of the pool and some corrosion, the bottom also now has a couple small tears. I was contemplating installing a new liner this summer anyhow. Is this wall also repairable?
Yes, I would say repair the wall, install a new liner and you will probably get many more years of use out of you pool.
Once the pool was empty, and the old liner removed, I would hammer the wall flat. You do this with a rubber mallet on the inside and a piece of lumber on the outside. With younger walls this might be all it takes, but your wall is aging so I would give it some additional support.
Most hardware stores sell rolled metal in about twenty four inch widths. It does not have to be real thick, but the thicker the better. You would then pull the coving back and insert this metal into the existing bottom track. The top of the metal can then be duct taped along the top edge to prevent any sharp edges coming into contact with the liner.
By reinforcing the inside of your sidewall you should be able to get many more years of use out of your pool.
If the bottom of the wall is rusted in many areas around the pool it would probably be wise to reinforce the entire area. A normal 24' sidewall is about 77' long so get 80' of coil stock and reinforce the entire wall. That way you for sure know you are good to go.
Your other option might be to start looking in the paper or on Craigslist for a used pool, at an affordable price, with a few less years on it. There are many of them out there.
Damaged Skimmer Paner
Pool wall piece that connects the whole wall piece has caved in where skimmer is. Do you know where I can find a new one?
by Christopher Hinds
(Huntington , NY USA)
Corrosion on the extruded aluminum wall panel
I have two wall sections that have corroded to the point of total separation at the top of the two panes near the top rails. Not sure what caused the break down but there was a small leak there for years until we noticed the damage. I have a Titan above ground pool that was installed about 17 years ago. Where can i purchase these parts?
by Shari
(Northern VA)
Pool Wall Damage
My Aluminum wall has a split from wind blowing. how can I repair this? I think i need a sheet 10' long and 4' height. do you have this. Help!!
Also I can use a 24.6' liner...... see picture below attachment
Thanks Shari
Hi Shari
I won't be much help here, it looks like you need a new wall.
Comments for Aluminum wall Repair or Replacement Sheet
I need a pool wall for Garden Leisure 18’x33’ Equinox pool.
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