by Lynne
(Pittsburgh, PA)
Installing Beaded Liner
We just purchased a new replacement liner from Pool City, a 21'x52", and waited till the rains have stopped to put it in.
This round we also did the cove and the 4'x8' styro underneath, the previous (original liner, we also purchased this pool new 10 yrs ago- from Pool City) we had the gorilla pad underneath.
We finally had a nice day to put the liner in, all was nice and dry, as the liner was being put in, my husband noticed, close to a molded seam on the bottom, a hole, looked like a melted hold and a slit about a 1.5".
At that time of day pool city was closed. Our intent was to get the liner in that day as the next day it was going to rain. So, since we couldn't do anything since Pool City was closed, we put a piece of duct tape over the hole and let it rest till the next day.
It rained again over night, the pool bottom was covered with water from the rain, and then it rained and rained for 3 more days. Pool City suggested, wait till you have yet another good day and we'll exchange it and knock $50.00 off. Well, here it is a nice day, my husband goes to suck up the water on the bottom of the liner, to take the replacement liner out to exchange it, only to find the bottom, styro, cove and sand is filled with water.
There must of been yet another leak somewhere. So today we are trying to suck the water out of the styro pad and let it dry out somewhat. We have today and 1/2 day Sunday before the rains come again.
Can we put the new liner in over the wet base, but the dried out styro, and what about the cove?
We are just so frustrated with this situation, and what in this case do you think Pool City should do to rectify this besides the $50.00 off....HELP!
Hi Lynne.
It all sounds very frustrating. The sand should be at least fairly dry, at least no standing water. The same with the cove and base foam. If you step on any of it and water oozes out, think what the weight of all the water you are about to put in the pool will do to it.
It sounds like Pool City is being generous since they are probably not the manufacturer of the liner. I’ve know people who pay several hundred dollars to have a liner installed, another couple hundred to have water hauled in, and then fifty or so in start up chemicals, only to find they have a bad seam in the liner. Do you know what they were told? Cut out the bad section of liner and send it to the liner manufacturer and they will send you a new liner. A new liner and that’s it, that’s all they owe you, it says so in the warranty.
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