by Marie Rooney
The Story of DigM
Tucker has been building pools since 1972. After meeting Marie and getting married they went into a business together but Tucker was not real happy. He missed digging in the dirt. One day they were talking about exactly what he did building above ground swimming pools. Tucker explained to Marie how first he had to dig up the yard and make it level so he could start building the pool. Marie joked and said ok we will call our new company Dig-M-Pools. They both laughed and Tucker added right "U-Buy-M - We-Dig-M". Marie took a napkin and jotted down the name and the phrase, Pretty much that was the end of the conversation.
The next day Marie took the napkin to a printer and asked him to make up some business cards. She also called the local newspaper and ran an ad to build above ground swimming pools. As the day went on Marie forgot to mention to Tucker she had ordered business cards and put an ad in the paper. The phone rang and it was a woman who wanted to know how much it cost to put up an above ground pool. Then Marie told Tucker what she had done and that there was a woman on the phone who actually wanted some work done asap.
This is a true story how DigM got started. The phones actually started ringing and DigM was formed. After a few phone calls Tucker and Marie realized the people were buying their pools from a company called Nichols Pools. They decided to go to Nichols to see if they could get some work. They met with one of the owners, Bud Nichols. He was open to the idea we could be added to his list of installers and maybe we would get some calls. We were number 14 on the list!
Marie would go out with Tucker and the crew and build pools every day, 7 days a week. She knew absolutely nothing about pools so this was a great experience for her. After working all day on the crew Marie would come home and answer the calls that were on the answering machine. We were very busy even though we were number 14 on the list. In a matter of 3 years the list only had 3 installers left on it. Yes DigM was now at the top of the list.
When the economy was good DigM was installing over 2000 above ground pools a year!!!
DigM expanded to New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Florida. DigM actually made a trade out of building above ground swimming pools. They are highly recognized in the above ground pool industry. The National Spa and Pool Industry actually wrote an article in their magazine acknowledging the beginning of a new pool installer era.
Today almost all of our competitors are our former installers. But don't be fooled just because DigM trained the owners we DID NOT train their employees. Tucker is still out building pools every day. Most of our competitors do not build anymore. Their employees do the physical work. Tucker always says he is very fortunate to have found something he could actually make a living at and enjoy doing it every single day. Nothing gives him great pleasure as watching the smiles on his customers faces when they see the finished pool in their own back yard.
Sincerely yours, Tucker & Marie Rooney
P.S. Oh yes DigM is family owned and operated. Tucker and Marie have been married for 33 years. Tucker met Marie in March 1979, After two weeks of dating he proposed and they were married within weeks. And so goes the story of how DigM got started. THE END
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