Discount Roll Up Shades

Discount roll up shades can shade and protect just about anything.  They are perfect for closing off parts of an open patio.  A roll up shade can protect you from a cold breeze or the strong afternoon sun.

Installing roll up shades is an easy task.  A few brackets are attached to your existing framework and the shade is hung from these brackets.  Coolaroo is the most popular fabric for this type of outdoor shade.  As you can see from the following photos, roll up shades are used on windows, patios and garages.

Roll up shades are often called drop down curtains, roll up curtains, drop down shades and roll up sunshades.  They are called many things and will always remain one of the most popular shade choices for homeowners.

Roll Up Shade
Roll Up Shade


This model is a 6' x 6' from Coolaroo. It comes in many sizes but this one sells for around $60.00. It features a hand crank for ease of operation and 90% UV protection.


Discount Roll Up Shades



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