Doughboy or Outback

We are getting ready to purchase a pool. We are stuck between to kinds. A Doughboy or an Outback pool. Do you have any suggestions or do you know how they compare? Thanks for the info.


I prefer the Doughboy pool for several reasons. The quality of all their models is consistently high. They are very user friendly, they pack the correct amount of parts and they all assemble the way they should. Building a Doughboy, unlike other brands, is very predictable, everything fits the way it should every time.

Other things to consider when shopping for and comparing pools are what the package includes and the model pool you are getting. The quality of the liner, the filter package, the ladder, the cleaner and other cleaning equipment and the pool covers, solar and winter, these are all things that need to be looked at and compared.

The model of pool needs to be looked at also in a comparison. A top of the line Outback at the same price as a bottom of the line Doughboy might be a great deal. Make sure you are comparing very similar packages.

If the pool packages matched up evenly and the price were the same I would buy the Doughboy. There are a lot of factors to look at to know if the packages are equal, time to do your homework.

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Doughboy Copper Canyon or Century Above Ground Pool

by John

We're in the process of buying an above ground pool and we've decided that Doughboy is the pool we want, but we are torn between the Copper Canyon 24 foot round and the Century 24 foot round. Which of these two do you think is the better pool, as far as construction and price? Thanks, John

Hi John

I like everything about the Century better than the Copper Canyon. It's stronger, sturdier and easier to install. For some reason everything on the Century seems to fit a little better than the Copper Canyon. The eight and a half inch top rails on the Century are awesome, probably the sturdiest rail of any pool on the market. There is nothing about this pool I don't like.

I like a pool that goes together the way it should every time, where everything fits and there are no surprises at the end of the job. Both these pools will do this, the Century just does it a little better.

As far as the Copper Canyon goes, it's one of the best pools made, it's a Doughboy, and all the Doughboy quality is there. I would take this pool over at least 90% of the pools on the market today.

The price is what you need to consider, but you can't go wrong with either pool. If the Century is within the budget, that's what I would do.

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Doughboy or Esther Williams

by Kristine
(Taylor, Michigan)

I am looking into purchasing an above ground pool. I want a good pool that will last and not need tons of maintenance. I just want to know which is a better brand, Doughboy or Esther Williams? And which brand would you recommend more and why?

Thanks, Kristine

Hi Kristine

While Doughboy and Esther Williams are both top brands I would recommend the Doughboy. My reason for doing so are as follows. Doughboy brand pools are the most user friendly ones on the market. They go together exactly as they should every time. Every step in the process makes sense without a lot of useless, unnecessary parts, that have no function and seldom fit.

The quality control that goes into their packaging is matched by no one. One out of a couple thousand boxes might have a part missing, maybe. If that ever happens their customer support is tops. The part can in most cases be over-nighted to your door.

They outlast any pool I have ever seen and they have the only liners that can be installed wrinkle free 99% of the time.

Those are a few of the advantages. If expertly installed an Esther Williams can be a good pool also, just make sure that the installer is familiar with them and can guarantee a perfect installation.

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Feedback on Vogue Impact Pool

by AnG

Is a Vogue Impact 27ft pool pretty good? I heard they got bought out, but not certain of that. Local dealers are telling me that, but I do see a Canada website. Is this pool strong and durable enough to be buried 2 ft in the ground much like a Doughboy pool?

It looks pretty good and I have pictures of it, but I don't know much about this Vogue reputation. A local dealer that use to carry Vogue said the "IMPACT" pool is more of an elite model, but I would like more feedback before I purchase used. It's under $1,000 for pool, filter, auto cleaner, and wood deck. Originally purchased in 2006 new. Please advise...Thanks!!!


Vogue pools changed their name a couple of years ago. They are now Trendium Pool Products Inc. They are still part of the Wilbar Group, the company that manufactures above ground pools under many popular names. It looks like it would be a quality product and the price does not sound bad.

Since the pool is close to five years old I would check it over closely for rust. If it all looks good you shouldn't have any problems with it. Be sure to factor into your costs the price of a new liner. Trying to install a used liner would be a big mistake and a waist of time. It's best to start with a new one.

Vogue Impact Above Ground Pool

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