by Joel
Pool Seam
I am trying to remove an old Doughboy pool from my mother in laws house to reinstall at my house. I have run into a problem where the pool wall is joined.
It is held together by a C shaped strip of metal and I have no idea how to remove it. If anyone has any tips on helping me remove this, I am more than thankful. Please see picture of seam.
Hi Joel
The wall bar on a Doughboy can take some doing to get off, but the wall will reinstall much easier if you take the time to remove it.
I leave the wall standing up. Laying it down to hammer the bar can leed to creases and dents.
I spray WD40 on both sides of the wall, all over the place. I then use a hammer and gently tap the bar back and forth to try and loosen it a bit.
I then take a large set of vice grips and lock them onto the bar near the top. Be sure there is a little gap between the ends of the grips and the wall. If not, when the bar starts to move you can tear the wall.
With the grips firmly in place I start hitting them from underneath with a hammer. The grips will pop off and need to be reset often, this is normal. As the bar begins to move I continue to lower the grips keeping them at about the same height as the bar makes it's way up.
Sooner or later the bar come off and you can roll the wall up without creasing it.
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