Doughboy Price

by Matthew

We have been shopping above ground pools. Your input and advice has been appreciated. The quality of a Doughboy is a given, but the price is a lot more than other options listed on the internet. By the time we add installation, Doughboy comes in around $7500 for a 16x24. Can you recommend any other alternatives specifically that might be decent quality and more budget friendly??

Hi Matthew

The quality of a Doughboy is hard to beat. The best part about the Doughboy pool is how everything fits the way it is supposed to the first time around.

The Atlantic seems to be a good pool and is a lot less expensive. If a deep end is not important this model might be good for you.

Atlantic Above Ground Pool

The Cantar is also a good quality pool. Oval Installation

My normal response to your question would be to advise you to talk with your installers and see what they recommend. I can see by your location that your installer is probably Gary. He will do you a great job but he is totally sold on Doughboy and will probably charge more for any other brand. I would also guess you may have priced your pool at A&M Pool Supply in Mesa. I have worked with them for many years installing their pools, until I made the move to Missouri last summer. The service you get from a local pool store can sometimes more than make up for the difference in price. A&M will take very good care of you.

Doughboy above ground pool

If you do wind up with a Doughboy you will not regret it. A properly installed Doughboy above ground pool is as good as it gets.

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Why Is Doughboy So Much More Expensive?

by Joe
(Phoenix, AZ)

We are looking for a 18' round AG pool. We live in Phoenix. Got a quote on a package that was non-Doughboy that included pool, ladder, filter, vac, etc. that was $2500 installed. A Doughboy Desert Spring is DOUBLE. Does this seem right? Is a Doughboy really that much better?

We were given a rough est. for the Doughboy of $3500-3600, but that deal is no longer available.

Just want to know if this seems funny or if it seems OK.


Hi Joe

The Doughboy pools usually cost more because of the higher quality. If you are sold on Doughboy check the price with several different dealers and compare. In Phoenix B+L might still carry Doughboy, in Mesa A+M does. There are several stores in Tucson, I would get quotes from all of them. The local installers, all old friends of mine, do not care where you buy the pool. You should find out quickly what the price should be and decide from there if Doughboy is really worth it.

installing a Doughboy Pool

Another way to get a Doughboy pool at an affordable price is to shop for a used one. A few years ago I got a really nice 16' x 32' pool for the cost of taking it down and removing it from the persons yard. Good deals do come up from time to time, keep an eye out.

Comments for Why Is Doughboy So Much More Expensive?

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Jun 27, 2021
Deep end
by: Anonymous

Are there any other oval pools that over a deep end option?


Hi None that I would buy if you want a deep end.

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Best AGP to Purchase

(Casa Grande, AZ)

I want to have an AGP installed, but there are many to choose from. Do you have any recommendations?

I would like an 18' x 34' or similar in that size.

Also, which filter would you recommend? We are going with a salt water filter system too. Any info you have for a new pool purchase would much be appreciated.


I like the Doughboy line of oval pools. They have a 16 x 32 that might be just right for you. There are some other nice models out there. We set this one up last year for a customer that bought it online. Check it out here.

Diamond Star Above Ground Pool Installation

This page talks about above ground pool filters.

Above Ground Pool Filters

I like the Hayward sand filters; they do a very nice job of keeping a pool clean.

A good friend of mine does pool installations in Arizona. Let me know if you would like a call from him for an estimate.

Comments for Best AGP to Purchase

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Jun 06, 2018
AGP installer in Palm Desert CA
by: Tommy

Do you know of a AGP installer that could install a 21 ' round Capsian by WilBar ind. in my back yard in Palm Desert CA.

Are you familiar with the resin pool and what are your thoughts?

Hi Tommy

I can't help you with an installer in California. The Wilbar pool will do you just fine. Wilbar puts out a lot of good products, we install several a week here in Arizona.

Apr 04, 2023
Doughboy installer AZ
by: Anonymous

Hello do you have any referrals for a installer?

Myself, Dennis at 480-935-2848

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