Doughboy Pool Liner

by Michelle Lawton
(Fort dodge, Iowa)

We recently were given a 16x32 Oval Above Ground Doughboy Pool. Of course, we have to replace the liner.

We have priced liners from Doughboy authorized dealers and also "generic" liners. The difference in price is significant.

Do we dare try a "generic" liner in our Doughboy pool or swallow and just purchase a Doughboy liner?

Thanks!! Michelle

Hi Michelle.

I think the Doughboy Uniform Depth 20 mil liner is probably the best liner made. With proper care it could easily last ten to fifteen years, even longer is possible. Most of the cheaper liners on the market are five to seven year liners. For pools that are just going to be up a few years I have no problem using a cheaper liner. If you don't want to be bothered changing the liner for ten years or better the extra money for the Doughboy liner is money well spent.

If you are digging a deep area in your pool I would definitely go with a Doughboy brand liner. There is no other expandable liner made that will go into a deep area and look as nice as a Doughboy. Some are completely impossible to keep the wrinkles out of. When the bottom of the pool is nothing but wrinkles cleaning becomes very difficult.

Keep in mind also the difference between a 20 mil liner and a 20 gauge liner. Most liners sold on the internet are sized by gauge. A 25 gauge liner is about the same thickness as a 20 mil liner. Many people think that a 20 gauge liner will be the same thickness as a 20 mil liner when it is actually closer to a 16 mil liner.

Comments for Doughboy Pool Liner

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Jul 21, 2010
Thank you!
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your valuable input. We did decide to go with the Doughboy brand liner and are having the "professional" install it. I am sure we will be very happy with it! Thank you so much for your website. We have learned a lot of awesome information from it! - Michelle

You are very Welcome

May 15, 2011
You get what you pay for
by: Ken Epema

We also are going to replace our liner (16 x 32) and have had our Doughboy for 18 years.This will be our 2nd replacement liner.I firmly believe the Doughboy brand is the way to go.We bought a "Generic" liner after 14 years, What a mistake that was. Not only lasting for only 4 years , It had many wrinkles in it and made cleaning a chore.


Jul 30, 2011
doughboy 16x32 installation
by: Trey

We bought a used 16x32 Doughboy pool from a gentleman, I finally have it all at my house. I am ready to start setting it up and would like to find some installation instructions. I found some on the Doughboy website, but am not sure whether or not those correspond to my pool. the gentleman we bought the pool from said he bought the it 18-19 years ago. I have had no luck in identifying the pool model. The one that looks like it might be the one (at least the buttress post seem to be the same) is the Timberline model. The only instructions they give is how to assemble the supports. I just want to make sure that a 19 year old pool sets up the same as the current ones. There are instructions on Doughboy website for pools made in 1997 which is not quite 19 years, but they look the same as the instructions for todays pools. this leads me to believe that they all pretty much set up the same way. Any advice would be helpful, and thank you in advance for your time.

Hi Trey, it's true, they have changed very little.

Aug 11, 2011
Doughboy or be regretful
by: Andrewsome

I've spent my life in Florida, a lot of it in a Doughboy pool. When I bought a new home I installed a value pool and have had a lot of grief for not insisting on a Doughboy. The hard sell is "Doughboy or be ugly" Good luck

Mar 21, 2013
Doughboy Liners
by: Tom

I replaced my original Doughboy liner, after 10 years, with a Doughboy liner primarily to install a bottom drain...Sixteen years later I am replacing the liner again, with a Doughboy liner, primarily due to sun damage (splits) to the area above the water line.

I am OK with a sixteen year lifetime for a pool liner, so I would recommend a Doughboy liner.

Jun 12, 2017
doughboy pool liner
by: Anonymous

Doughboy liners are great! Going into my 22nd season with the original liner.

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