(Fremont Michigan)
We have an 18'x34' deep ended Doughboy that was damaged this past winter. The liner was completely shredded, the verticals on one side are no longer 90 deg and the wall is out of the track on the bottom and top in some places.
We hired a "doughboy specialist company" in our area to fix our pool. They started this week and had a hard time installing the liner. They put in the wrong size liner, an 18x33, did not fix the track or vertical problems and the area around the skimmer is still buckled and upper track not set, the seams do not run parallel to the sides and the deep end is appx 8 ft. now.
I'm scared and do not know what to do. He assured me that everything will be OK cuz the liner is meant to stretch to 8 ft. and interchange with an 18x34 and that he will stand by the liner defect warranty for seams.
I'm not worried about the liner as much as I am about the negligent pool structure repair. Does this sound right to you? Please help!!!!
He obviously did not use a Doughboy brand expandable liner so I am wondering how it fit, are there any wrinkles? I have never heard of an above ground pool liner stretching to 8' nor have I heard of a liner fitting two sizes of pool.
How could they put a new liner in a pool and not make some repairs first, bent side supports, wall out of the track and a caved in skimmer area, yes I would be concerned, and very mad. Do you have any kind of contract as to what they were supposed to do. Was it just a liner installation, or a liner installation with repairs? Were you buying a Doughboy liner or just the cheapest thing they could find.
And what do you mean by the seams not being straight? They installed a liner that was too small for the pool, stretched it to 8' and did not even install it with the seams running straight?
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