Drain Pipe Damage

by Bob
(Brandon Florida)

I was getting my 18 ft above ground pool ready for a new liner, while chopping some roots I hit and cracked my center drain pipe.

Is there any way I can patch it or do I have to get a whole drain system? Bob

Hi Bob

It depends on where you hit the pipe. Unless the damage is right up against the drain you should have no problem fixing it. If there is no good pipe coming out of the drain itself you may need a new one. Unless you are lucky and the fitting going into the pipe was not glued. If it was sealed with plumbers tape, and will come out, just replace it and splice in some more pipe.

You probably broke it out in the middle somewhere so the fix is pretty simple. You will need a couple of PVC couplers and a foot or so of pipe.

Most drains are plumbed with 1 1/2" pipe so that is probably what you have. Two inch is possible but not as likely.

You need to dig out some dirt around the damaged area giving yourself plenty of room to work. You can then cut out the damaged pipe. Take that pipe with you to the hardware store and buy the couplers, glue and more pipe.

The rest is a matter of careful measuring. You will have very little play in the pipe so you will be splitting the difference in the couplers, so each one covers the pipe about half way.

With the new pipe cut and both couplers attached double check your length. With one coupler fully inserted over one pipe the other coupler needs to be just touching the other pipe. The glue dries fast so you need to work fast. Glue both pipe ends and both couplers, slide one coupler all the way and then as fast as you can slide it back allowing the other coupler to cover the pipe by the correct amount. I always spread a bunch of glue on the outside just for extra measure.

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May 07, 2013
by: BOB

I have an above ground Ester Williams pool, what do you think about putting a pad under a new liner?

Hi Bob

There is no reason not to add the pad if you think it would make for a better pool floor.

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