Esther Williams Pool Liners

by Barbara Lande

I have an Esther William above ground pool and need a new liner, I believe 15' round. The installer came to my house and first said 12' round. I said no a 15' round, I also said Esther William pool. He said yes and told me to get a beaded liner 48" liner. Not an Esther William liner (I didn't know anything about this).

I called the installer back after picking a dark color liner to retain heat and wanted to know if I also needed a liner wedge (I didn't know about this also) he said no, just get a regular beaded liner.

I then called the store and was told no and I needed an ESTHER WILLIAM LINER ONLY. Another store said I could use a regular beaded liner with a liner wedge but the ESTHER WILLIAM LINER will be best.

Now found that Swimline has something called an EW and JW beads only for the ESTHER WILLIAM POOL Liner. Now need to look for this. I'm not sure if this installer knows what he is talking about.

I'm not sure I do not need another installer. I also want to know if foam on the wall will help keep the heat in the pool or am I wasting my money for this item.

I also do not have a bottom for the pool like the elephant or gorilla floor, do I really need this. I have a heater and was told the floor part will help you get black algae, not sure about this also. I do not know what to do. Thanks

Hi Barbara.

I can't see why the pool pad would have anything to do with algae. If the base of your pool has been fine up to this point there is no need to add it. If you would like a slightly softer bottom then it's OK to buy the pad.

Insulated walls do help retain the heat but I would check with your installer before ordering it. Not all installers are comfortable using it, can be a little tricky.

If Swimline makes a special liner for Esther Williams pools, that is the one I would get. I think the walls are just slightly shorter than standard above ground pools and a special liner would probably fit better. Swimline will be much less expensive than the Esther Williams brand.

The wedge is just a pool cove. If you have a sand base you probably already have a cove and you do not need to replace it. I seldom use the foam cove with any of my installations, unless the pool goes up on tile or concrete.

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Odd Sized Esther Williams Pool Liner

by Kevin

I purchased a 21' x 48" AG liner made specifically for our Esther Williams pool. After installation, we noticed almost 2 full feet of extra liner where the bead attaches to the bead track. Are there odd sizes for Esther Williams pools even though they say they are 21'.

Hi Kevin.

I have not had that much experience with Esther Williams pools but I thought they were pretty much all odd sizes.

I would first measure the pool very carefully. Measure from wall, just under the rail, across the pool to the same location on the wall. Do this at several locations. If it measures close to 21' you probably have the right size liner.

All twenty one foot beaded liners are not all the same size, you may just have a large one. You might try removing the liner from the bead and reinstalling it. This time you would need to bunch the liner up as you go. It's so easy to pull the liner too tight when putting it into the receiver, coming up with extra liner is pretty common.

In warm, direct, sunlight the liner should push back easily as you are installing it. It may take a few tries to get it to come out just right at the end, but it can usually be done.

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JW Beaded Liners

by Richard Brydge

What is the difference between a Johnny Weissmuller beaded liner and any other beaded liners. Will other beaded liners work on the Johnny Weissmuller pools?

Hi Richard
You are better off with a JW liner.

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