Evaporation Rate For Above Ground Pool

How much water can evaporate from a 24 foot above ground swimming pool in a day with a cool and windy night?


An above ground pool could loose between 1-2 inches of water a week due to evaporation. This is not by any means a scientific number; it's just what I have experienced here in the Arizona area.

There is a more scientific way to know for sure if your pool is evaporating, or leaking. You need about a five gallon bucket and a magic marker. Fill the bucket full of water and place a mark at that level on the inside of the bucket. Find an out of the way spot on your pool and do the same thing, place a small mark right at the water level on the pool liner.

At the end of a week you simply measure the distance between the mark on the bucket and the water level. Do the same thing with the pool, measure the distance between the mark on the liner and the water level. Believe it or not, the bucket and the pool should have the same amount of evaporation. That means the measurement in the pool should be the same as that in the bucket. If the bucket measures one inch and the pool measures two inches you have a leak.

Use this method anytime you think your pool may be loosing water, it is always accurate.

If the pool is loosing more water than the bucket don't overlook the possibility of water splashing out. Kids can easily do that.

child in an above ground pool

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Evaporation Rate on 24 ft Round Pool

by Gary Whitcher

What is a normal evaporation rate in Michigan on a 24ft round pool?

Hi Gary

I'm not sure there ever is a normal evaporation rate because it depends on so many factors, like temperature, humidity ect. There is, however, a way to see if you pool water is evaporating or leaking.

You will need a five gallon bucket filled with water. You take a marker and mark the water level on the inside of the bucket. You do the same on the inside of the pool, on the liner. After a few days the bucket and the pool should be loosing water at the same rate. You would measure from the line to the water level in the pool and the bucket, they should both have the same measurement.

If your pool measures a half inch from the line to the water and the bucket measures only a quarter inch it is safe to assume you have a leak in the pool.

If you think it is a hole in the liner this page might help.

Holes in Vinyl Pool

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Pool Water Evaporation

by Amy
(Westminster, MD)

My pool is a 15 x 30 and 4 feet deep. I live in Maryland and was wondering what the normal rate of evaporation is for pool water. I seem to lose almost 1/4 of an inch of water every day. Is that normal?

Hi Amy

That does sound about normal for this time of year. There is a real easy way to find out for sure if that amount is correct. You would need a bucket and a marker, pen, sharpie, magic marker of whatever. Fill the bucket with water and set by the pool. Mark the water level in the bucket and mark the water level of the pool by placing a line on the skimmer faceplate. In a couple of days mark the water levels again. The distance between the lines in the bucket should be the same as in the pool.

It's very simple but it does work and it is accurate.

above ground pool loosing water

If it does appear you have a leak start with the two most obvious ways of finding it. A hole around the outer edge of the pool will leave a wet spot around the outside of the pool. Examining the ground around the pool is the first step.

A hole in the center area of a vinyl pool will usually leave a mushy spot, easily felt while walking around in the pool. A slow walk around in the pool is the second step to finding a leak.

Comments for Pool Water Evaporation

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May 31, 2018
Under covered pool after two years and water level very low
by: Ed

I live in the New Endland area I have a 24’ above ground round pool. I covered my pool two years ago and finally reopened it. When I closed it up I had dropped the water level just below the inlet side. I uncovered it in early May of this year and noticed there is only about 8" of water left. Could that much water evaporated over two years, or could there be a leak. It’s hard to tell if there was a leak since I it is surrounded by 3/8" pebble rock about 6" around the pool. Thanks just want to get the pool up and running for the season . Ed

Hi Ed

It could easily be evaporation.

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